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How do we grow in Christ? What does it mean to abide in Him? What is the new birth experience all about? How does one know they've truly been born again? What transformation does a person go through? We explore the topic of the new life in Christ this week. Learn how the Holy Spirit transforms people's lives.

How can we be saved? What must I do to be saved? This week we explore salvation focusing on what happens in the life of the sinner that ultimately leads to a salvation experience. Is repentance really necessary? What is the relationship between being saved and having faith? What if I'm not really all that bad? Do I still need saving? How does a person know if they need salvation at all? These questions and others are tackled in this week's lesson.

How does the cross show God's love for humanity? Does the Father truly love us, or does only Jesus love us? Why did Jesus come to save humanity? What do we receive as a result of His sacrifice on the cross? What does it mean for our every day living? How did Jesus teach that we should approach salvation? Can even the worst of sinners be saved? This week we tackle the topic of salvation exploring the themes of these questions.

What does the Bible teach about the Holy Spirit? Is the Holy Spirit really divine? Is the Holy Spirit a person, thing, or power? What does the Spirit do in the lives of individuals and how can one know when they have the Holy Spirit? Based on the teachings of Jesus, what can we know? These questions are explored in this week's lesson. You will also learn how to tell the difference between a good person and one who is filled with God's presence.

Who do people say that Jesus is? Who is Jesus to you? What did Jesus teach about Himself? Why was He called "Son of Man" and "Son of God". Was Jesus really God? What things did Jesus say that hinted at this idea. Why did Jesus choose to take on humanity? Are the Father and the Son different in character? What did Jesus teach about the Father? We tackle this subject matter this week and explore what Jesus had to say on the subject.

What will God's kingdom be like? Will there be potential for the sin problem to rise up again? What does God do in the lives imperfect people? Will the saved have to obey God's law throughout eternity? Is it even possible to obey God? What does the New Covenant tell us about the kingdom of God? This week we explore these topics.

What does the Bible say about God's end time church and the law? How will God's called out people relate to the law? What are the characteristics of God's end time church? How do we know who is part of the remnant? How are conditions from Noah's time similar to our time today? How can we see the truths of law, grace, faith and salvation played out in both eras? These questions and more are answered in this week's study.

What did the apostles believe about God's Law. Surely, the people who spent the most time with Jesus would know what Jesus taught and believed about the Law both prior to and after His death and resurrection. What did they teach about God's Law? Did they contradict one another, or did they believe the same thing? This week we take a look at the writings of Paul, Peter, James, John and Jude in an effort to understand what the apostles believed about the relationship between the Law and Salvation. We will compare their teachings with the teachings of many churches today.

What is the relationship between Christ, the law of God, and the covenants? What exactly is a covenant? Are there terms to this agreement? What kind of covenant can we make with God today? Why do some theologians misunderstand the covenant? Do our works have an impact on our covenant relationship with God? We explore these questions this week.

What is the relationship between the Law and the Gospel? Does one invalidate the other? What was the good news that Christ brought to humanity? Were we saved in sin or from sin? Does God still require obedience from His people today? What does it mean to be in covenant relationship with God? What good news is in Christ's message for humanity today? Is there a role the law still plays? What did Paul mean when he said that sin takes advantage of the law? We explore these questions in this week's study.

What is the difference between God's Law and Christ's Law? Does Christ's Law trump the law of God? Are Christians under a completely different set of rules today, rather than God's Ten Commandments? Jesus gave His disciples a "new" commandment; but, was this commandment really new? How does all this tie in to God's covenant relationship with His people? This week we explore the relationship between God's Law and Christ's Law. We will also clear up common misconceptions held by many today in regard to the binding nature of God's Law.

What does the Bible mean when it says that Christ is the "end" of the Law? Is the Law done away with? Is it still binding on Christians today? What was the purpose of Jesus' mission? Is obedience always legalism? Is it possible to keep God's commandments? Can a person earn brownie points with God? This week we explore the relationship between Christ and the Law.