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Topic: Sharing Faith

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This week we talk about the rich and famous! Are they impossible to reach? Are rich and famous people outside the possibility of salvation? How can the rich and famous be discipled? How does a Christian witness to them? Is it even possible? Throughout the Bible there have been examples of rich and famous people. Wealth and status, of themselves, are not evil things. Often, it's the misuse that leads to spiritual problems which hinder salvation. What the Bible teaches on this subject may surprise you.

What kinds of people did Jesus reach out to? How do we define "social outcasts". Does God expect us to reach out to the poor, the imprisoned, the mentally ill, and those with diseases? What does the example of Jesus show us in scripture, and what does this example mean for Christians today? How should the church relate to sinners? These questions are explored in this week's lesson.

How did Jesus go about making a difference in the lives of ordinary people? What does scripture tell us about how Jesus, Himself, grew up? What message might this hold for Christians today? How can we disciple everyday, ordinary people? We explore these questions in this week's broadcast. Jesus taught that every human being has value in the eyes of God. Do we recognize that as we come in contact with people whom Jesus died for?

In this week's lesson we explore Jesus' ministry of miracle healing and the impact of His ministry. We will also look at the healing done by His disciples. What message does this have for the church today? What was Jesus trying to convey about salvation? Jesus healed mental illnesses, diseases, blood issues, leprosy, and all forms of health issues. He even had power to heal the greatest cancer of all--Death! What does scripture mean by its statement that Jesus is "Resurrection and Life"? What does all this have to do with our lives today?
Season 02 Episode 10 of Gems of Truth. How do you feel about forgiveness? Has it been an easy or difficult concept to accept? In a world where human beings often wish that others would get what they deserve, God sent Jesus to "stand in the gap" for us. How can we stand in the gap for others? Why does God require us to do such a thing? Can forgiveness be practical? Can broken relationships be mended? This episode explores the parable of the unforgiving servant.
Season 02 Episode 09 of Gems of Truth. Have you ever felt insignificant? Do you sometimes feel like you have short comings and flaws? Do you wonder what purpose God has called you to? This episode explores how God calls people who felt unprepared, insignificant, and unequipped to do great and mighty things. Moses was not eloquent in speech, Jeremiah was only a child, and Isaiah was a man of unclean lips. Many of us today have flaws. Find out what God can do with people who aren't perfect!

How does sharing faith help us to grow in faith? Why did God choose human beings to be His witnesses? What is the impact of personal testimony on our witness for the Master? How did the apostles accomplish such great success and is such success possible for us today? All these questions are explored in this week's lesson as we examine what it means to witness for the Master.

God is a personal God who answers prayers. John Spellman, founder, president and CEO of Inspirited Network Ministries, gives his conversion story / testimony explaining how an aspiring rapper leaves everything behind deciding to follow Jesus. Learn how God answers prayers in amazing ways, changing lives. Is Jesus knocking at the door of your heart today? The story you're about to hear may surprise you!