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Topic: Second Coming

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How did the war between good and evil begin? What is the mystery of iniquity? Did God create evil? How was the conflict between Christ and Satan brought to our world? Has God abandoned us? Who is Satan at war with today? Does God still have a commandment keeping Church? What is the testimony of Jesus?
What should result from the life of faithful stewardship? How does stewardship impact our influence, salvation experience, contentment, and godliness? How can a relationship with Jesus help us to be contented with our ministry, possessions, and lives overall? What are the rewards of faithful stewardship?
What does it mean to be a faithful steward? What does a steward’s habits look like? How do stewards relate to the second coming of Jesus? How should they spend their time? What are the priorities of stewards and how do they relate to their own minds and bodies? What are practical things Christians can do to live like faithful stewards?
Of all the decisions we must make in life, the most important is the decision to follow Christ. Can we remain on neutral ground? How do our decisions impact last day events and the hour of judgment? Are decisions for both believers and unbelievers? What will you decide? Is there such a thing as too late?

As we conclude our study on the books of 1st and 2nd Peter, what are the major themes brought out in these epistles? What does Peter have to say about persecution, the suffering of Christ, the Second Coming, and the Judgment? What do these things mean for Christian faith and practice? Are Christians saved by grace to continue in sin? How did Peter view the importance of Scripture?




Peter continues to warn about scoffers, false prophets, and teachers. He talks about the misinterpretation of Paul’s writings to promote lawlessness. What are the dangers in losing faith in the second coming of Jesus? Should Christians continue to hope in the advent of Jesus even though it hasn’t happened in 2000 years? Is there a reason behind the apparent delay? Will the prophecies about the Day of the Lord really come to pass?




How did Peter describe the Christian experience? What virtues of Christianity did he emphasize? Do Christians have a role to play in the salvation experience? What is the most important virtue of all? How did Peter view the life after death experience? What did he mean by putting off my tabernacle? As Peter writes his final letter before following Jesus to the cross, what can we learn and apply to our lives today?




As Jewish people celebrate the feast of Sukkot, Christians should be reminded of what it meant and what it pointed to in prophecy? What if I told you it had a hidden meaning that was significant for our time today? Was the feast of Tabernacles only a commemoration of freedom from Egyptian bondage? Or was there something it pointed to in the prophetic future and the ministry of Jesus? Why did God want the people to dwell in booths? We will take a brief look at salvation history as good and evil struggle for custody of humanity in the Great Controversy.




What can we learn from the end of the story of Job? Does Job have a happy ending, or is he still awaiting his happy ending? What can this book teach us about human suffering for those who love God? Does God bless us in the here and now? What are the rewards of trusting God? Who can we depend on when family, friends, and acquaintances turn their backs on us? Is death truly the end of life’s story? How can the second coming of Jesus impact how we relate to hardship and difficulties in our lives? Did Job understand the doctrine of the resurrection?




How are Christians supposed to wait for the second coming of Jesus? What does this waiting time look like? Should they do nothing and be passive as they wait for the master, or are Christians called to do something? What is God’s mission and purpose for the church awaiting His return? What does repentance, revival, reformation, faith, and works have to do with our waiting experience? How did Jesus describe our responsibilities in his farming parables? In what ways do our roles differ and what should be our attitude toward sowing, reaping, and nurturing?

Why did Jesus warn the religious leaders of His time? What was the response of the religous leaders? What did God do with the gospel? What events lead up to the second coming? What hope exists in the midst of the troubles of the last days? What will people, society, and other conditions be like in those times? How do we know there is a dual fulfillment to Jesus' prophecy? As Jesus began to expound on how the temple in Jerusalem would be destroyed (in 70AD), He intermingled events that had an immediate fulfillment and a fulfillment to come in the last days.

John Spellman speaks on the 1st Angels message. What does this message have to do with our time today? Should it still be preached in churches? Why is the Sabbath the center of controversy in today's world? Why is Creation so important to our faith? If the hour of judgment is come, what does that mean for believers today? This presentation focuses on the ever-lasting gospel that must be preached to all before the end can come.