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Topic: Miscellaneous

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In this week's lesson we explore the importance of young people. Does God care about children? What was the fundamental difference between the ancient cultures surrounding the Hebrews and the way the Israelites viewed children? How did Jesus feel about young people? What does God say about how we should treat them? Rasheen Stephenson and John Spellman tackle some sensitive subject matter.

What are the major things that cause division in the Church? Did the early Church experience this? How did they preserve unity amid differences and other things that cause division? What is the recipe for unity and why is unity necessary? Should we strive for unity at all costs? The answers to these questions in this week's study may surprise you.

Season 01 Episode 04 of Gems of Truth. Many voices claim to have a word from God. How does one ever know who is telling the truth. This presentation talks about how to know when a message really comes from God. These days everyone says "Thus saith the Lord..." when God hasn't really spoken to them. Yet, we know that God still speaks to people today. People did this even in Bible times. How could one know the difference between a true prophet and a false prophet.
This video is from the Class D, 2007-2010, Inspirited Network broadcasts on stickam with Joseph Williams and John Spellman covering topics related to Salvation and Christian Living. Videos are in standard definition since the broadcasts were done before the studio was built.
This video is from the Class D, 2007-2010, Inspirited Network broadcasts on stickam with Joseph Williams and John Spellman covering topics related to Salvation and Christian Living. Videos are in standard definition since the broadcasts were done before the studio was built.