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2019 Broadcasts

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What can we learn about the end-time Babylon system? Why will God send judgment upon it? Why is her crime described as adultery? What populations of people make up Babylon’s support system? What impact will God’s judgments have on the support of Babylon? How do these prophecies connect with he prophecies of Daniel and our need to be spiritually ready?
John Spellman preaches at Babylon SDA Church discussing the why difficult things can happen in a Christian's life? Should we be afraid of hardship? Why does God allow it? How did God teach Moses to deal with difficult situations? What lessons are there for us today? Should we give up when things are hard? What if we encounter hardship?
What are the 7 last plagues and how do they compare with the 10 plagues of Egypt? What are the similarities between the rebellion of Pharaoh and the Egyptians compared to that of the wicked in the end times? Will people repent once the plagues fall? Will God’s judgments be fair? Will God’s people be on earth during the time of these plagues? How will they be protected?
Why do some people push others away in order to avoid pain? Do relationships require risk? What does the Bible say about taking risks in building relationships? Is it healthy to shut people out of our lives or assume that they will hurt us even before they've ever done so?
What is the connection between the mark of the beast and the everlasting gospel? How do the messages of the 3 angels prepare us for the end time conflict and final test of loyalty between God and the satan? Who is Babylon and who are her daughters? What does the judgment mean for those who live in these end times?
How did Satan persecute the church during the 1,260 years? What is represented by the first beast in Revelation 13? How does this beast connect with the prophecies of Daniel and the blasphemy against the tabernacle? What power is represented by the land beast of Revelation 13 that has characteristics of a lamb and a dragon? What do these things mean in relation to end time events and Bible prophecy?
What happened to Satan and his angels after the war in heaven? Why does the devil persecute people who believe in Jesus? Is it possible for Satan to win the war against God? Who is the woman in Revelation 12? Why does the dragon harass and persecute her? Who was her offspring? What does all this have to do with end times and God’s remnant church? How do you know if you’re part of the remnant?
What is meant by the 7 Trumpets of Revelation? What do they reveal and warn us of? How should we understand the locusts, and the other plagues that take place? What are the connections between Daniel and Revelation and how do they help us understand Revelation 10 and the little book eaten by Daniel? How does this connect to the proclamation of the 3 Angel’s Message?
The end of the story of Ruth and Boaz shows us how God often has a plan that we often can't see until we look back at how he has led us. Often God provides for us through the advice and wisdom of God fearing people He sends into our lives. Many feel alone because they don't have people close to them that can give them good counsel. What kind of people do you have in your life? Do you have friends that don't tell you what you want to hear? Can love look like correction?
Who are the 144,000? How many people will be saved from the Great Tribulation? What are the 4 winds held back by the four angels? Who will be sealed and be able to stand in the time of great trial? What will be the character of the redeemed? In this lesson we explore Revelation 7 and it’s connections to the end time controversy over worship and obedience to God.
What can we learn about the 7 seals? What do they mean? How do they connect with the 7 churches? What are the four horsemen of the apocalypse? How is history represented in this prophecy? How do these events connect with the Reformation and the Dark Ages? What stages did the church go through from the first century until the present? How can we unlock the mystery behind the 7 seals?
What can we learn from Revelation 4-5. Who are the 24 elders? Who are the 4 beasts? Why is Jesus represented as a lamb with 7 horns and 7 eyes? What is in the scroll sealed with 7 seals? As we study this scene in heaven we’ll gain insight into a worship experience in heaven as Jesus is deemed worthy to open the book as the redeemer of humanity and God is worshipped as the Creator.