What part of the vision did Daniel not understand in Daniel chapter 8? How does Gabriel make this clear in chapter 9? On what basis does Daniel appeal to God on behalf of the people? What events will happen in the 70 Week prophecy? How did this tie in with Jesus’ conversation with Peter about forgiving his brother? How did this prophecy predict the date of the first coming of the Messiah?
How is the church to serve the community? Is there a difference between acts of compassion and preaching the gospel in the context of the 3rd angel’s message? Or do both go together? How should members of the church treat one another? Why? How can we better be unified and work together? How does justice, grace, and love tie in to all that we do?
John Spellman preaches at the Beit Shalom SDA Congregation discussing roadblocks in our faith. How can traditions and customs block us from being able to experience a relationship with God? Should traditions influence how we understand God's Word? What did the prophets think about anything that contradicted the Torah and the testimony? Is it possible that today, with the abundance of YouTube scholars, and misinformation, that many have darkness thinking they have light? While some traditions can be a good thing, many customs and traditions are holding people in darkness.
Pastor Michael Mirra speaks on the subject of the new revisionist readings and interpretations on Bible passages dealing with homosexuality. Are these new interpretations Biblical? Does the Adventist Church accept practicing members of the LGBTQ Community into fellowship? Would such an approach be Biblical? This video responds to the assertions of the Loma Linda panelists and re-examines the "clobber texts" discredited by liberal members of the church. Pastor Mirra ties this important issue to Present Truth and last day events.
The Bible teaches about a day lost in history. A day God designed for us to remember. This week's lesson uncovers the mystery of this forgotten and lost day.
The fact that we are called upon to endure trial shows that the Lord Jesus sees in us something precious which He desires to develop. If He saw in us nothing whereby He might glorify His name, He would not spend time in refining us. He does not cast worthless stones into His furnace. It is valuable ore that He refines.
As you determined to retrain your mind to know and embrace your new space, the new route is now easy to remember. It’s no longer a struggle. So is it in your Christian walk. As you allow God’s word to do its work of sanctification in transforming your mind, your actions will fall in place. Your new perspective will result in behavioral change. Your desires and longings for those old practices will be gradually changed as you embrace the new person you’ve become.
We all have our pressure points – that point when we think we can take no more. That moment when we are ready to quit, and when we believe it’s not worth it! Don’t give in. Don’t give up. With God’s help, we can make it. We can stand tall. We can be guided by the Holy Spirit and speak freely from our conscience. Our guarantee is the Word of God. Whatever circumstances you may be facing now, hold on. God will work it out somehow. And even if He chooses not to, still hold onto Him. He sees the way you take; and if He brings you to it, He will see you through it. Do not cave under pressure. Just hold on.