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What impact did the Word of God play in the revival of the captives returning to Jerusalem? What did they learn from Ezra as the Law of Moses was read and explained to the people? What was the proper response to their understanding of their need for repentance? What was the significance of the Feast of Tabernacles?
How did God encourage the Jews to rebuild even in times of great opposition? What role did Haggai, Zecharaiah, Nehemiah, Ezra, Zerubbabel, Jeshua, and others play? What lessons about ministry and working for God can we learn from their story?
What was the role of Nehemiah in fulfilling God’s promise to bring back the captives of Judah? How were the prayers of Nehemiah similar to Daniel? In what ways did God work through pagan kings to accomplish His purposes? What lessons can we learn about leadership from Nehemiah? Does trusting in God mean we shouldn’t think things through?
What can we understand about the end of the 70 year prophecy of Jeremiah? Why did the kingdom of Judah go into captivity in the first place? How did God use a pagan king to fulfill Jeremiah’s prophecy? What role did Ezra play in the return to Jerusalem? What messages might the release from captivity have for us today?
How is the church to serve the community? Is there a difference between acts of compassion and preaching the gospel in the context of the 3rd angel’s message? Or do both go together? How should members of the church treat one another? Why? How can we better be unified and work together? How does justice, grace, and love tie in to all that we do?
Have you ever gone through experiences in which you felt like you weren’t getting answers to your prayers? Have you ever felt like you expected more from the church? Do you leave the church feeling like you’ve had an encounter with God? Everybody who comes to church, at some point has to leave the church, and one of the worst ways to leave the church is the exact same way you came in!
The mind is most easily deceived when it’s attention is not focused where it should be. The moment you get distracted, the moment you get pulled in a particular direction. You can miss something you should have seen but didn’t see because your eyes weren’t where they needed to be.
What does it mean to love mercy? How should Christians respond and relate to those in need? How can we be a voice to the voiceless? Should all voices be heard? What is the relationship between faith and practical living? Does God accept our worship if we mistreat one another? How can we cultivate a character of compassion, generosity, peace-making, education, prayer, and good expectations?
What hope does the second coming of Jesus bring? Is there hope in the judgment? Why do the wicked seem to prosper while the righteous suffer? Does God answer the prayers of His people? How long will he allow evil to continue? Why does the hope of the Christian center on the resurrection of Jesus Christ?
What does it mean to live the gospel? How can the transformative power of God change our nature? What is the relationship between grace and works? What does it mean to have the image of God restored in humanity? What is the connection between John 3:16 and Revelation 14:6-7? Who is the gospel for?
What can we learn from Jesus, Paul, and James about ministry in the new testament church? How is the church to consider the needs of the less fortunate? Should we be partial to those who are rich? What does equality look like? What can we learn from the common wealth established by the early Christians?
How did Jesus' ministry and life address those who were poor, in need, and oppressed? How did Jesus' life and death address the concerns of those who are broken? What did the miracles of Jesus intend to teach His people? How can we understand Jesus' actions in the temple overthrowing the money changers?
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