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Who was the Apostle Peter? What was he like before and after he met Jesus? How did Peter’s failures prepare him for his ministry? What were Peter’s strong points before his conversion experience? What lessons can we learn from the life of Peter as people who struggle, have flaws, and make similar mistakes? Was Peter perfect after his conversion?




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What does it mean to be a leader? How are leaders to shepherd God’s flock? How does worldly leadership compare with spiritual leadership? What can we learn about leadership from God Himself? Is it really possible to have leadership without partiality? What is the role of an elder? What did Peter learn about leadership from Jesus? How does all this compare with Satan’s rebellion and counterfeit leadership?

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What does the sacrifice of Jesus mean for Christians today? What hope does the resurrection hold for Christians? What exactly did Jesus suffer while He was here on earth? What can we learn about Jesus from Peter who was one of Jesus’ closest disciples? How can we understand redemption and the high cost of salvation from Peter’s writings?




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Peter continues to warn about scoffers, false prophets, and teachers. He talks about the misinterpretation of Paul’s writings to promote lawlessness. What are the dangers in losing faith in the second coming of Jesus? Should Christians continue to hope in the advent of Jesus even though it hasn’t happened in 2000 years? Is there a reason behind the apparent delay? Will the prophecies about the Day of the Lord really come to pass?




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As we conclude our study on the books of 1st and 2nd Peter, what are the major themes brought out in these epistles? What does Peter have to say about persecution, the suffering of Christ, the Second Coming, and the Judgment? What do these things mean for Christian faith and practice? Are Christians saved by grace to continue in sin? How did Peter view the importance of Scripture?




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John Spellman preaches at Spring Hill SDA on Passing the Baton for Deacon and Deaconess Day. Jesus commissioned the preaching of the gospel to faulty human beings. What message is there in that for the church today? How does someone know when they are ready to serve? Why do the same people always hold the same offices in the church? What can we learn from John the Baptist or Moses about leadership? What can we learn from Jesus?




Jesus asked Him and He confirmed that He will keep you from falling. The prayers of our loved ones really do help; but with Jesus’ prayer for us, none can compare. We are guaranteed divine help because Jesus prayed. I am so happy He prayed for me and you. Let’s show Him that we are willing to be kept.

You are considered “poor in spirit” when you recognize your need of a savior. To those who realized that they cannot be saved by their own works, in keeping the letter of the law, but by their faith in God’s grace (which encourages a relationship with Him and doing His will), Jesus said that you are blessed because you are “poor in spirit”. You are wealthy for the kingdom of heaven is yours.

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Elder John Spellman of the Babylon SDA Church preaches on Jesus message to Peter in Luke 22. Jesus warned that Satan desired Peter to sift him as wheat. In the same way the devil is desiring to sift people in the church today. But Jesus still intercedes and we must strengthen one another when we've been converted.
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What role should obedience play in our Christian walk? What does the life of Jesus show us about obedience? How does the Holy Spirit surprise us? What can we learn about obedience when comparing the response of Paul and King Agrippa? These questions are explored in this week's lesson.

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