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Topic: Stewardship

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What does the book of James teach about how we use our mouths? James seems to suggest that though the mouth is a small part of our body, it has a great influence. What spiritual implications might this hold for Christian believers today? How do our words impact one another? Is it OK for Christians to use foul language, even when talking with those who use it frequently? How can we do better at using our speech in more meaningful and edifying ways? Why is it so important that we be mindful of the things we say?

How does one reach powerful and influential people? Are they beyond help? What did Jesus do when He witnessed to powerful people? How did the disciples witness to them during the 1st century. This lesson explores what God teaches about witnessing to people in authority. What should be the Christian's approach to authority in general?

This week we talk about the rich and famous! Are they impossible to reach? Are rich and famous people outside the possibility of salvation? How can the rich and famous be discipled? How does a Christian witness to them? Is it even possible? Throughout the Bible there have been examples of rich and famous people. Wealth and status, of themselves, are not evil things. Often, it's the misuse that leads to spiritual problems which hinder salvation. What the Bible teaches on this subject may surprise you.

In this week's study we discuss the principle of stewardship based on Creation. Do human beings have any obligation to a higher authority? Do they have the right to live and do as they choose? How much of what we have really belongs to God? Does Stewardship only have to do with money? What about health, gifts, and other aspects of life? We explore this theme in this week's lesson.


This video is from the Class D, 2007-2010, Inspirited Network broadcasts on stickam with Joseph Williams and John Spellman covering topics related to Salvation and Christian Living. Videos are in standard definition since the broadcasts were done before the studio was built.
This video is from the Class D, 2007-2010, Inspirited Network broadcasts on stickam with Joseph Williams and John Spellman covering topics related to Salvation and Christian Living. Videos are in standard definition since the broadcasts were done before the studio was built.
This video is from the Class D, 2007-2010, Inspirited Network broadcasts on stickam with Joseph Williams and John Spellman covering topics related to Salvation and Christian Living. Videos are in standard definition since the broadcasts were done before the studio was built.
This video is from the Class D, 2007-2010, Inspirited Network broadcasts on stickam with Joseph Williams and John Spellman covering topics related to Salvation and Christian Living. Videos are in standard definition since the broadcasts were done before the studio was built.
Sermon by John Spellman at Uniondale SDA dealing with investments. Are we invested in the right stocks? How can we invest in what is eternal? Is there such a thing as stock that doesn't fail?