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Topic: Salvation

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What is the relationship between the Law and the Gospel? Does one invalidate the other? What was the good news that Christ brought to humanity? Were we saved in sin or from sin? Does God still require obedience from His people today? What does it mean to be in covenant relationship with God? What good news is in Christ's message for humanity today? Is there a role the law still plays? What did Paul mean when he said that sin takes advantage of the law? We explore these questions in this week's study.

What is the harvest? Who are the harvesters? What did Jesus mean by fruit? How much does God care about saving souls here on Earth? What does He expect us to do? This week we explore the harvest and God's plan to save humanity. We also explore why God uses humanity for this special task of beggars telling other beggars where to find bread. What role does the Holy Spirit play in soul winning? How does this apply to Christians today?

Season 02 Episode 08 of Gems of Truth. When you need answers where do you search? Who or what do you look to for the answers to life's greatest questions? Many New Age teachers profess that the answers can be found by looking inside yourself. However, what does the Bible teach? Does God truly dwell inside of every person? How does one gain access to the Holy Spirit? The popular deception that God dwells in every person is debunked in this episode, while providing seekers with a better alternative for hope!
Season 01 Episode 05 of Gems of Truth. This presentation follows the story of Hophni and Phineas the sons of Eli the priest during the time of Samuel. Why is it that children sometimes stray from the faith? Does being a good parent mean you'll have godly children? What goes wrong with families today? Does being related to a religious leader mean that the family is godly? Can a relatives relationship with the Lord improve a person's standing with God?
Season 01 Episode 02 of Gems of Truth. In many ways today, we're in bondage. Learn about God's plan to set us free from the bondage we are in. Bondage comes in many forms but God offers the way out through Jesus Christ.
This video is from the Class D, 2007-2010, Inspirited Network broadcasts on stickam with Joseph Williams and John Spellman covering topics related to Salvation and Christian Living. Videos are in standard definition since the broadcasts were done before the studio was built.
This video is from the Class D, 2007-2010, Inspirited Network broadcasts on stickam with Joseph Williams and John Spellman covering topics related to Salvation and Christian Living. Videos are in standard definition since the broadcasts were done before the studio was built.
This video is from the Class D, 2007-2010, Inspirited Network broadcasts on stickam with Joseph Williams and John Spellman covering topics related to Salvation and Christian Living. Videos are in standard definition since the broadcasts were done before the studio was built.
This video is from the Class D, 2007-2010, Inspirited Network broadcasts on stickam with Joseph Williams and John Spellman covering topics related to Salvation and Christian Living. Videos are in standard definition since the broadcasts were done before the studio was built.
This video is from the Class D, 2007-2010, Inspirited Network broadcasts on stickam with Joseph Williams and John Spellman covering topics related to Salvation and Christian Living. Videos are in standard definition since the broadcasts were done before the studio was built.
This video is from the Class D, 2007-2010, Inspirited Network broadcasts on stickam with Joseph Williams and John Spellman covering topics related to Salvation and Christian Living. Videos are in standard definition since the broadcasts were done before the studio was built.
This video is from the Class D, 2007-2010, Inspirited Network broadcasts on stickam with Joseph Williams and John Spellman covering topics related to Salvation and Christian Living. Videos are in standard definition since the broadcasts were done before the studio was built.