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Topic: Sabbath / Sunday

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How did Satan persecute the church during the 1,260 years? What is represented by the first beast in Revelation 13? How does this beast connect with the prophecies of Daniel and the blasphemy against the tabernacle? What power is represented by the land beast of Revelation 13 that has characteristics of a lamb and a dragon? What do these things mean in relation to end time events and Bible prophecy?
What happened to Satan and his angels after the war in heaven? Why does the devil persecute people who believe in Jesus? Is it possible for Satan to win the war against God? Who is the woman in Revelation 12? Why does the dragon harass and persecute her? Who was her offspring? What does all this have to do with end times and God’s remnant church? How do you know if you’re part of the remnant?
How can the church be united in worship? What is worship? Why do we worship? How does worship form the basis for the end time conflict? In response to what God has done we worship Him as creator, redeemer, judge, and King of the Universe. Satan, through false systems of worship, often tries to steal the glory and honor due only to God. This great controversy has been shown throughout salvation history.
What is the seal of God? How does it contrast the Mark of the Beast? Is the mark of the beast a computer chip, tattoo, or credit card? How does the Sabbath play a role in the final test over the issue of worship? What will contrast and polarize believers and unbelievers in the end times? Does anyone have the mark of the beast yet?
What is the identity of the first beast of Revelation 13? What is the identity of the second? What role with the United States play in end time events? How to modern events demonstrate this? How can we be sure based on past events? Are we always able to see the truth of prophetic events right away? What is the false system of worship that must be avoided in the last days?
What does it mean to fear God and give Him glory? How can we live in such a way that we glorify God? How should the hour of judgment impact our Christianity? Should we be afraid of God? In what way does the Sabbath play a role in end time events? Why does God have a judgment for the church?
Was the Sabbath really changed to Sunday? Who was responsible for the change? How does this play a role in end time events? What is the connection between the Little Horn power and the beast of Revelation 13? What is the role of the law in the Christian life?
What does the book of Daniel tell us about the character needed for the last days? What traits did Daniel and his companions have that allowed them to stand for their faith and lead pagan kings like proud Nebuchadnezzar and Darius to know the Living God? Why was Daniel a captive I a strange land? When the laws of the state tested their faith, what did Daniel and the 3 Hebrews do? What should Christians do when faced with the mark of the Beast?
Why does Paul uses the analogy of a guardian slave and a master’s son to describe the relationship between the law and the believer? Why does Paul also use the analogy of a son and his inheritance as a minor? What happens when the faith of Christ enters the picture? What were the days, months, seasons, and years mentioned in Galatians 4:10? Why did Paul warn the Galatians about going back to slavery?

Did you know that you have a special anniversary with God? There is a special time that He wants to spend with you? A time that commemorates something special. Yet, we always forget it. If we would get angry, disappointed, or hurt when our loved ones forget the times, events, or special occasions that are most important to us, why do we think that it’s ok to do the same thing to God? In this simple presentation, the Sabbath is explained and its relevance to Christianity today.




John Spellman completes his 3 part series on the 3rd Angel's Message discussing the final test of the end times. Who will receive the mark of the beast? How can we obtain the seal of God? Who is the beast and what is the beasts mark? How does one avoid the mark? What end time conditions will confront God's people? Should we be afraid? How does faith play a role in the survival of God's people?




How did the Old Testament show how important God views justice and mercy? What did the OT prophets have to say about this? Who is deserving of compassion? Should a person show kindness to enemies? What laws existed for the Israelites to show mercy on others and prevent oppression? How were the Israelites to relate to the have-nots among them? What powerful message does this send to Christians today? How did the different types of sabbaths reinforce the principles of equality and freedom? How might the principles of God's government compare with our own today?