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Topic: Remnant Church

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What are the similarities between the Old Testament and New Testament Church? How is Peter's terminology about the Church similar to that of the Covenant language? Why does Peter use temple language to describe the New Testament Church? What is the role and mission of the Church compared with the Church of the Old Testament? Does it matter if we break the Covenant? Are we saved no matter what we do? Or are there conditions under which we remain saved?




How do Jesus and the Holy Spirit unite the church? What should Christian unity be based on? How important is the Bible to unity in faith, practice, and love? Why is it important that the members of the Church be united? What does the Holy Spirit do in the life of the individual and the church collectively to unify the body of Christ? What is our role in this unity?




Our time on earth is limited. Days are numbered! And because days are numbered, we have to live for what really matters and not waste time on the things that don’t. Some people learn that lesson the hard way, spending their entire lives and the majority of their time on what means nothing! Often, when they realize it, it’s too late.




Pastor Michael Mirra speaks on the subject of the new revisionist readings and interpretations on Bible passages dealing with homosexuality. Are these new interpretations Biblical? Does the Adventist Church accept practicing members of the LGBTQ Community into fellowship? Would such an approach be Biblical? This video responds to the assertions of the Loma Linda panelists and re-examines the "clobber texts" discredited by liberal members of the church. Pastor Mirra ties this important issue to Present Truth and last day events.
Download J.S. Henry's free Ebook (PDF or EPUB)

How are Christians supposed to wait for the second coming of Jesus? What does this waiting time look like? Should they do nothing and be passive as they wait for the master, or are Christians called to do something? What is God’s mission and purpose for the church awaiting His return? What does repentance, revival, reformation, faith, and works have to do with our waiting experience? How did Jesus describe our responsibilities in his farming parables? In what ways do our roles differ and what should be our attitude toward sowing, reaping, and nurturing?

Christians are to seek the peace and prosperity of the cities we live in. How does this peace and prosperity help our mission? How did Paul minister to the needs of the various ethnic groups, cultures, personalities, and languages of his time? Is God really concerned with the hurting and suffering of humanity? What impact should the suffering of others have on believers? What are the different ways people may respond to the gospel and how can the church respond? How did the parable of the sower relate to our end time mission to reach the cities of the world?



John Spellman completes his 3 part series on the 3rd Angel's Message discussing the final test of the end times. Who will receive the mark of the beast? How can we obtain the seal of God? Who is the beast and what is the beasts mark? How does one avoid the mark? What end time conditions will confront God's people? Should we be afraid? How does faith play a role in the survival of God's people?




Jesus mingled with people and genuinely desired their good. What message does this have for the church today? How can we genuinely desire the good of others? How does scripture contrast how Jesus cared about people compared to His disciples or prophets like Jonah? How did Jesus treat people who were sick and out-casted? Why did some healings Jesus did occur in more than one stage? What does the Bible teach about selfishness, loving others, and the needs of our neighbors? How does this compare with the deeds of many professed Christians throughout history?

John Spellman preaches part 2 of the 3 part series on the 3 angels message: Babylon Is Fallen. What does this message mean for the church today? God is calling a people out of Babylon. But, is it possible to recognize what the Book of Revelation meant by Babylon? Is there still a false system of worship that is uniting with the world against God today? Who is the great harlot of Revelation? How does it influence and play a role in the system of confusion that exists today? What is God telling Christians in order to prepare them for the final crisis?

In what way were Adam and Eve given dominion? Is dominion always a bad thing? Was man designed to take advantage of and plunder the earth's resources? Or was humanity entrusted with the Creation to care for and look after it? How much of man's dominion was lost after the fall? Are there ways in which we can still exercise it today? Can the restoration of dominion be experienced now? In this lesson we talk about stewardship of the planet, animals, and all of the earth's resources as well as relationships with others and God.




This quarter we focus on the role of the church in the community. In what way was man created in the image of God? What was lost because of sin? How does the mission of Jesus seek to restore what was lost? What role does the church plan in the restoration process? How does Satan seek to prevent this? What promises did God make about restoration? What role does humanity play in the process? How does this tie-into what Jesus accomplished on the cross?




What was the relationship between Peter, Jesus, and the church? How should we understand Jesus' words that upon the rock would he build his church? Who was this rock? Protestants and Catholics have long debated this passage but what secrets do the Greek manuscripts hold that make the matter more clear? In this study John Spellman goes into depth explaining the passage Matthew 16:18 in a way you may never have heard before. Why does it matter who Jesus is to us? Why is it important that we see Him as the rock?