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Topic: Bible Characters

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God is a God of love and at the same time a God of justice. What is the connection between God's love and justice as revealed in the story of Hosea? What can we learn through Hosea's metaphors about God's compassion on His people. Find out in this week's lesson.

God is a God of holiness and justice. This week we explore the holiness and justice aspects of God's character through the prophet Joel. God promises to send the Holy Spirit to His people in the last days. Can this prophecy have multiple fulfillments? Follow us this week as we examine the prophet Joel.


Season 01 Episode 05 of Gems of Truth. This presentation follows the story of Hophni and Phineas the sons of Eli the priest during the time of Samuel. Why is it that children sometimes stray from the faith? Does being a good parent mean you'll have godly children? What goes wrong with families today? Does being related to a religious leader mean that the family is godly? Can a relatives relationship with the Lord improve a person's standing with God?
Season 01 Episode 02 of Gems of Truth. In many ways today, we're in bondage. Learn about God's plan to set us free from the bondage we are in. Bondage comes in many forms but God offers the way out through Jesus Christ.
Season 01 Episode 01 of Gems of Truth. In this presentation, John Spellman talks about getting connected with God. Follows the story of the feud between Israel and Judah during the reign of Azah and Basha.

Explores the messianic prophecies in chapters 8 through 14. God promises to send His righteous servant, the good shepherd. What does this mean? Why did so many misunderstand the prophecies of how the Messiah would be pierced and the sheep scattered? What does this say about how God reveals truth to His people? How should we reveal truth to people today?

This video is from the Class D, 2007-2010, Inspirited Network broadcasts on stickam with Joseph Williams and John Spellman covering topics related to Salvation and Christian Living. Videos are in standard definition since the broadcasts were done before the studio was built.