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Where Did the Devil Come From (Part 2)

Part two of the presentation on the origin of evil. Did God create the devil? Where did he come from and why does evil exist?

Where Did The Devil Come From (Part 1)

This study talks about the origin of evil and where the devil came from. Did God create this being who causes such chaos?

Trusting the Bible

This study examines belief in the Bible. Can we really trust the Word of God? Is it relevant for us today?

Obedience and Legalism

Andrew and Rachel discuss the Law of God and if obedience to that law is legalism. What is the relationship between law and grace!

Health Plan (Part 2)

Rachel and Andrew present on God's Health plan. Is it time to make a NEW START? Does God care what we do with our health? 

Health Plan (Part 1)

Rachel and Andrew present on God's Health plan. Is it time to make a NEW START? Does God care about our physical well being? 

Psalm23 (MPHH)

John Spellman and Sirius Taylor share a devotional thought from Psalm 23.

The Millennium

Christine presents on the millennium. What happens during this 1,000 year period? What happens before and after?

Wake Up Or Be Sifted!

On October 31st, 2009, Natalie Spellman preached a powerful sermon on "the Shaking" entitled, "Wake Up or Be Sifted!" You'll be blessed when you listen.

What Happens When We Die

Christine and Andrew present on what happens after death. Is there truly life beyond the grave? Are there ghosts that can still speak to us and inhabit our homes?

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