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Origin of Evil: Did Our Loving God Create Evil? (Q & A)


Q. “Ok, so if God created all things and all things are created for glory of God, why did He create sin? Just wondering because I don't get it.”


By John Spellman

I will answer this question in several sections in order to give a thorough explanation. If you wish to have a short answer to the question rather than an elongated scriptural answer (that will build up and prove the position stated) please skip to the “conclusion” section. I always try to give both a long answer and short answer. The danger in short answers is that often people will attempt to counter or rebut the argument; the danger in long answers is that I give more information than you actually want to know. For this reason, this paper contains two options: the thorough answer and the conclusion.

Table of Contents
The Origin of Evil: Did Our Loving God Create Evil?
The Explanation
Lets Start with Lucifer
Freedom of Choice
What does this have to do with Satan?
So what about the texts that say “God created evil”?
The Great Controversy
In Conclusion



The Explanation

To start off, God did not create evil. Evil is actually an invention of the devil. God created Lucifer, but Lucifer created the devil (himself). To give an illustration of what I mean, think of a child raised in a good home. We’ll call his name “Peter”. He has the best schooling, the best clothing, good upbringing: manners, work ethic, etc. His parents raised him never to drink, smoke or eat unhealthy foods. One day the child decides to experiment in spite of what he’s been raised to do. Once he begins to experiment with alcohol he enjoys the taste of it and then becomes a drunk (years later). Once he becomes a drunk it filters into other areas of his life: his work ethic, sense of responsibility, manners, style of clothing, ambitions, friends, etc. In fact, the guys at the bar begin to call him by a new nickname, “Sneaky Pete”.

Now the question is, being that the parents of this guy raised him properly, provided everything for him… are they responsible for the things that “Sneaky Pete” does? The answer is NO! The parents gave birth to a son named Peter (not Sneaky Pete). Peter is a living, functioning and rational human being with the ability to make choices just like everyone else. The choices that individuals make are their own and no amount of upbringing, schooling, etc. can force an individual to make or not make choices if this is what the individual chooses to do. The proper upbringing can certainly help the person make the right choices, but it does not guarantee that the right choice will be made.

Think about your own life. Are there certain things your parents / guardians or perhaps a teacher –maybe even a good friend—has drilled into your head that you know they taught you for your own good? Yet in spite of what you’ve been raised or taught, you make your own decision not to follow it? Your answer and mine, if you thought about it honestly, is YES! Our choices make us who we are, and likewise we can say that the parents of Peter gave birth to Peter but Peter (by his choices and decisions) gave birth to “Sneaky Pete”. The parents of Peter can be said to be ultimately responsible for “Sneaky Pete” (since they gave birth to Peter) but they never intended for “Sneaky Pete” to exist and his existence is a direct result of the choices and decisions of Peter (contrary to the teachings and upbringing of his parents).

Blaming Peter’s parents for Sneaky Pete would be like blaming Charles Manson’s mother for the death of his victims. I doubt they’ll be putting her on trial because, ultimately, the murders of those individuals were his decision and we are responsible for the choices we make. These illustrations set the stage for what we’ll see in scripture.


Lets Start with Lucifer

Students of the Bible and even the average-Joe believe that sin initiates with the devil. God created Lucifer, but He did not create Satan. Lucifer created Satan (the evil version of himself) by his choices and decisions. Let’s examine this from scripture.

To start, God created Lucifer. Lucifer was one of the covering cherubs which means that he stands directly in the presence of God and veils His glory which few can approach. The position of covering cherub is the highest position in the entire universe under “God”. (By the way, a cherub is an angel. The word “angel” means “messenger” so anyone with a message is an angel. This word can sometimes refer to humans or one of God’s messengers. But the name of the actual creature whom we usually refer to as “angel” is “cherub”.)

Eze 28:14 Thou art the anointed cherub that covereth; and I have set thee so: thou wast upon the holy mountain of God; thou hast walked up and down in the midst of the stones of fire.
Eze 28:15 Thou wast perfect in thy ways from the day that thou wast created, till iniquity was found in thee.

(Also see Exo 25:20. The ark was a miniature model of what God has in Heaven. The ark had two covering Cherubs and the presence of the Lord (when in the tabernacle) would dwell between the two Cherubs just like in Heaven. A study of the Old Testament will show this.)

Lucifer became discontent with his position as covering cherub (though it’s the highest position one can have) and wanted to be God. Whenever God did anything, as the covering cherib Lucifer was always included. However, because Lucifer is not God there were certain things that God could do that Lucifer could not. For example, taking part in creation; God created all things, Lucifer created nothing. It was perhaps this fact, along with many other limitations that come with not being God, that created a discontentment in Lucifer’s heart that led him to want to be God. So in short, Lucifer decided in his heart that he was not satisfied with his position and wanted to be God, he became prideful and had a serious me, myself, and “I” problem (see Isaiah 14). He wanted to be included in everything; however, this was impossible because Lucifer is a created being… God is not (He’s the creator!).

Eze 28:16 By the multitude of thy merchandise they have filled the midst of thee with violence, and thou hast sinned: therefore I will cast thee as profane out of the mountain of God: and I will destroy thee, O covering cherub, from the midst of the stones of fire.
Eze 28:17 Thine heart was lifted up because of thy beauty, thou hast corrupted thy wisdom by reason of thy brightness: I will cast thee to the ground, I will lay thee before kings, that they may behold thee.

Isa 14:12 How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! how art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations!
Isa 14:13 For thou hast said in thine heart, I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God: I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation, in the sides of the north:
Isa 14:14 I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will be like the most High.

From these scriptures we can see that God made Lucifer perfect. There was no sin in him. The scripture tells us he was “perfect” in all his ways until the day iniquity was found in him (Eze 28:15). God created the world sinless and perfect. We know that sin originates with Lucifer but scripture tells us that even Lucifer was created perfect… “UNTIL”. So, the origin of evil does not start with God because God made everything perfect and good. The question becomes, what happened that started Lucifer on a path to become Satan?

The answer is hinted in Eze 28:17 which states that Lucifer’s heart became lifted up because of the beauty God had given him. In other words, he got proud because God had exalted him so high and given him so much beauty. The text also goes on to say that he (Lucifer) corrupted his wisdom “by reason of thy brightness”. When one stands in the presence of God they begin to radiate his glory (take Moses for example when his face shined because he saw God in Exodus 34 or the transfiguration of Jesus is another example in Matthew 17). Lucifer, as the covering cherub, was privileged to be in God’s presence all the time. For this reason he would have accumulated brightness from constantly beholding the glory of God. This brightness is what he allowed to corrupt himself because it made him proud (he began to think more highly of himself).

Notice, the Bible doesn’t say that God corrupted Lucifer. It says that Lucifer corrupted himself. So, when it comes to the origin of evil, the real question is: if God created everything perfect how could a perfect being corrupt himself?

It was Lucifer’s jealousy that later manifested Hatred of God that led him to become “Satan” a word that means “adversary” and also the “devil” which is a word that means “slanderer” (after how he slanders God and blames Him for things that He should not be blamed for).


Freedom of Choice

The first thing to understand in answering this question is that God gives some of his creation the freedom of choice. He does not control our choices: we have freedom to choose and to do anything we want. Consequently, to prevent us from hurting ourselves or others, He has a law to restrict some of our choices so that we can’t hurt ourselves or others. However, we also have freedom to choose to obey the law or disregard it.

Deu 30:19 I call heaven and earth to record this day against you, that I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing: therefore choose life, that both thou and thy seed may live:

The reason why God gives us freedom of choice is because He is a God of love (1 John 4:8). Love can not truly exist unless there is a voluntary choice. For example, if I program a robot to constantly tell me that it loves me, over and over again, every time it knows that I’m around… does it really love me? No! It’s just doing what it’s programmed to do. Therefore, in order for true love to exist, there must be a such thing as voluntary choice. Take relationships for example. A man can not force a woman to be in love with him. No matter how many gifts he buys or what he does, there are no guarantees that she will love him. However, when someone you love loves you back, that love is meaningful because you realize that they are not obligated to love you, they voluntarily choose to. There is nothing you can do to force a person to love you and not to love someone else. One of the most frustrating things in life is when you love someone that does not love you back because there is really nothing you can do about it.

In short, God gave the gift of choice in order for true love to exist. Without it, we would be programmed to “love” God and we could not make a voluntary choice to do so. When we choose to love God our love becomes more meaningful to Him because it is not forced. God does not want obedience out of programming; rather, he wants it from voluntary choice. Think about it. If God wanted to, couldn’t He just program us all to keep the 10 Commandments, stop killing each other, quit cursing, and start going to Church every week? Of course He could! But then we would basically be programmed to do everything and we would have no voluntary choice. We would basically be reduced to robots that do what ever they are programmed to do. This is not the kind of life God wants for us; He never desired to program us. He made us thinking, reasoning, and decision making beings.

When God creates beings that can choose to do what ever they want to do, He makes true love possible and He desires that all beings obey Him and love Him by choice (not by force or coercion). However, every choice we make comes with consequences that can be both positive and negative. Every cause has an effect and every action has a reaction. God knows the way He made the world and has predetermined how the world operates and every effect of every cause, every reaction of every action, etc. This is why in order to prevent human beings and angels from hurting themselves or others, He implemented a law that would preserve peace, love, and harmony throughout the universe. You have the ability to break this law; but, if you do, consequences follow.

For example, the government tells people to obey the speed limit. They know that when people (collectively) go past a certain speed, accidents are likely to take place. No one can force you to do the speed limit. However, if you do there are consequences. One consequence could be that by chance nothing happens and you get away with it. Another, consequence is that you get into an accident harming yourself. A third consequence is that you get into an accident and harm someone else, though no harm comes to you. A fourth consequence is that because you put yourself and others at risk, you get pulled over and earn yourself a ticket. Your choices cause these reactions. Not God! God does not sit and determine what good things and bad things will happen to people (excluding the judgment of whether or not they make it to heaven or in certain cases where He chooses to intervene). Instead, the consequences of choices are built into the system of how God created the world and therefore choices bring about certain consequences.

Another example is that a certain person becomes angry at another. He pulls out a gun and begins firing across the street at this individual. The individual by chance makes it around a corner (to safety) but an old lady having nothing to do with the situation gets shot and dies. This is not because God wanted her to die or by some means directed the bullets in her direction, but rather as a result of being in the wrong place at the wrong time, when a guy just so happened to be firing bullets across the street: she died. These things happen purely by chance and not God causing it to happen (Ecc 9:11). People’s choices bring about these reactions or effects. God typically does not intervene to negate the consequences of people’s choices.

God does not want people to choose things that can result in the harm of anyone. For this reason, He has a law which restricts the kind of choices people can make. Anything that goes against that law is sin. The Bible defines sin as the transgression (or breaking / going against) of the law (1 John 3:4). When one transgresses the law the results are the consequences of the law transgressed. For example, the law of gravity causes what ever goes up to come down. If you choose to jump out of a 3 story window without a parachute or protective measure, you will come crashing down. The laws of speed, weight, physics, etc. determine that when you hit the ground you will die. By you choosing to jump out of a window to your death, it is not God that caused you to die but your choice. God commanded “thou shalt not kill” (including one’s-self). By choosing to jump out of a window, you transgress the 10 Commandment law of God and death is ultimately the result. God gave you the option to live, but you chose death through disobedience to His law.

God does not force us to make choices, but He makes us aware of the consequences to our actions. He knows how He made the world. He knows the consequences to every choice and therefore has given us a law, and a guide book (the Bible) for life. Yet we choose to do otherwise and suffer the consequences. Sin is so terrible that even when another person chooses to disobey God is can effect a person who does everything right! It is for this reason that God said “the wages of sin is death”. Those who will not subject themselves to God’s law must ultimately die because if they continue to live they will ruin the lives of everyone around them and since they have chosen not to love God (who is the source of all life) they would be miserable in a Universe that loves and serves God; therefore, God puts them out of their misery through death.

Imperfect beings can not live in a perfect world because: they would be miserable, they unknowingly destroy themselves through the sins they commit, and they would ruin the lives of others. Therefore, out of mercy, God puts them to death via hellfire so that they don’t continue making choices that would hurt others, themselves, the universal environment, etc. Hell is not so much a punishment as it is a mercy for the universe. Contrary to what many churches teach, people do not burn in hell forever (Mal 4:3 also see

There’s a lot to understand about the complex nature of freedom of choice, I’ve tried my best to illustrate some of the causes and effects to basically make the case that the wicked things that happen are not because God creates evil, sin, etc. Rather, they happen as a result of choices individuals or groups make that effect themselves and/or others.

Choices make good and evil possible. As long as we choose to obey God, we stay in harmony with creation and with God Himself. However, when we break that harmony through our choices we corrupt ourselves, others, and the environment we live in. God desires that we always choose good over evil. This is why He lets us know what is expected of us and gives us the option to choose whether or not we want to live in this Universe. If we choose not to live, we don’t love God, if we don’t want to allow peace and harmony to reign throughout the universe by our choices: God gives us the option of death. People choose eternal life or hell by their decisions. Again, if God did not allow us this freedom of choice, the whole universe would serve God because they are programmed to. There would be no liberation. Choice allows us to love God because we want to; we obey God because we want to remain in harmony with the principles and laws by which He ordered the Universe.


What does this have to do with Satan?

Lucifer was a being who had freedom of choice, like the other angels and mankind. God did not create Lucifer to be Satan; Lucifer, for whatever reason, chose to go against God’s laws and principles. From scripture we see that Satan chose this path because he was discontent and wanted to be God, he became jealous of God, his beauty and brightness boosted his pride and made him corrupt himself, etc.

What caused this train of thought to go through his mind, what led him to pride, what provoked this discontentment (and thus caused sin to originate with Lucifer) is not known and unstated by scripture (thus the true origin, and path that led to sin, is unknown). Scripture calls it the “mystery of iniquity” (2 Th 2:7). There are some things we won’t know until Jesus explains it. However, what we do know from scripture is that God did not create Lucifer to be a sinner, Lucifer was never meant to become Satan, and Lucifer chose this path and corrupted himself. God did not create evil! Evil is possible because we have the option not to obey God. When ever you want true love to exist there is a risk that the one you love will choose not to love you back. This is a risk that God took in giving created beings freedom to choose. Satan, chose to go against God and how He ordered and harmonized the universe. Evil, is a result of that rebellion.

Thus, it is really Satan who “created” evil. God never intended for it to exist. One can say that because God created Lucifer, that He is ultimately responsible for the fact that there is a Satan; however, it was not God’s intent that evil should exist. The gift of choice is a risk God took in creating a society where true love was possible.

Satan, knowing that the results of his actions will ultimately lead to death, came to earth (and even took 1/3rd of the angels whom he corrupted) to find others that would suffer with him. This is why he tempts human beings and initiates destruction and evil on earth. (Rev 12:12; 1 Peter 5:8)

A study of scripture will show that Satan falsely accuses God of being unfair and for this reason, God could not destroy Satan right away though he introduced evil to God’s perfect universe (Rev 12:10 states that Satan is the “accuser of the brethren” a look at the book of Job shows how Satan accused God in front of the angels and how he attempts to embarrass God by accusing those who serve Him. Also see Zech 3.). If God destroyed Satan right away, the universe would serve God out of fear and not love because there would always be the question of whether or not Satan was right. Satan argued that he could run things better than God and for that reason God permitted Satan’s works to be manifested so that the universe could see what the results and consequences of evil would be (1 Cor 4:9 points out that we are a spectacle to men and to angels). This way, when God ultimately destroys evil, the universe will never question God and every being will choose to serve God not by force but by voluntary choice. The earth, because this was the place Satan claimed ownership of since he got mankind to sin (thus he is often referred to as the “god of this world” --2 Cor 4:4 or the “prince of this world” –John 12:31; 14:30; 16:11; and Eph 2:2), is the place where this great controversy plays out and the universe gets to see the effects of sin (something that has never been known before).

The tree of knowledge was placed in the garden of Eden as a test of obedience and a test of love and loyalty to God. It was not just the simple act of eating fruit that brought sin into the world as a result of the fall of Adam and Eve. It was the fact that the tree represented Adam and Eve’s choice of obedience to God. God gave them everything but restricted them in one area: the tree of knowledge. They had the opportunity to eat from the tree but in choosing not to, they showed their obedience and love toward God because this was the one thing He asked them not to do.

When Adam and Eve sinned they placed themselves under the authority of Satan and became in need of a savior to redeem them: Jesus. The wages of sin is death, but since God did not want His creation to perish, He sent Jesus to pay the cost of death for them and give them the option to choose life again IF THEY WANT IT!


So what about the texts that say “God created evil”?

All things are indeed created for the glory of God but if the things God created with choice do not choose to serve Him, God can not be glorified in them! Evil does not glorify God because it goes against choosing to obey Him. However, God can be glorified through those who turn from evil to good!

There are a few texts that seem to suggest that God created evil but these need to be read in context. For example in Isaiah 45:7 God seems to suggest that He creates evil (keep in mind another way to translate the word used for evil is “calamity” in this context). But even if we say the correct translation is evil, God takes the responsibility for the existence of evil though evil is never His intention! Indirectly, through creating Lucifer, God is responsible for the fact that evil exists but it is the choices created beings make that result in good or evil! However, scripture tells us that God has no pleasure in evil or the destruction of those who do evil. (Those who think that evil glorifies God would have a hard time explaining why God would create something He can’t stand.)

Psa 5:4 For thou art not a God that hath pleasure in wickedness: neither shall evil dwell with thee.

Eze 18:23 Have I any pleasure at all that the wicked should die? saith the Lord GOD: and not that he should return from his ways, and live?

Eze 18:32 For I have no pleasure in the death of him that dieth, saith the Lord GOD: wherefore turn yourselves, and live ye.

Eze 33:11 Say unto them, As I live, saith the Lord GOD, I have no pleasure in the death of the wicked; but that the wicked turn from his way and live: turn ye, turn ye from your evil ways; for why will ye die, O house of Israel?

God himself clearly states that He has no pleasure in wickedness, evil, or those who do these things and die as a result. Rather he desires that the wicked (or evil) should turn from their ways. For those who think that evil glorifies God, they would have a hard time explaining these texts. Especially Ezekiel 33:11 where God says that: as sure as He lives, He has no pleasure in the death of the wicked.

Upon close examination of the texts used to suggest that God creates evil, we see that context gives us an entirely different rendering of what is being said. Scripture clearly refutes the idea of God wanting anything to do with evil. There must be alternative meanings when we look closely at each text.

1) Isa 45:7 I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I the LORD do all these things.

Notice here that God gives complete opposites: darkness is the opposite of light. However, if we interpret the word used for evil as moral evil the parallel wouldn’t make sense.


Light: Darkness
Peace: Evil

Evil cannot be the opposite (or antonym) of peace. Therefore this text would not make any sense if evil refers to moral evil. However, the archaic language of the King James Version hides an alternative meaning to the word “evil”. It can also refer to calamity (a type of evil or something that is also referred to as evil). For example a Tsunami that destroys an entire area would be called “evil” according to the use of the word in the archaic language. This does not mean that a tsunami is morally evil, rather because it causes destruction it is considered an evil (or calamity). This them is shown throughout scripture if you look up the different uses of the word “evil”. Thus the correct rendering of the meaning in this text is:

Isa 45:7 I form the light and create darkness, I make peace and create calamity; I, the LORD, do all these things. (NKJV)

Now we see the harmony in this text and the continuation of opposites: light and darkness; peace and calamity.

2) Amo 3:6 Shall a trumpet be blown in the city, and the people not be afraid? shall there be evil in a city, and the LORD hath not done it?

This text seems to suggest that the Lord does moral evil things in a city. Yet scripture tells us that God does not sin because He is a God of love. Other scriptures also point out that God is not evil, does not commit the sins that men commit, and has no need of repentance (as in turning away from sin). God is perfect and righteous!

Num 23:19 God is not a man, that he should lie; neither the son of man, that he should repent: hath he said, and shall he not do it? or hath he spoken, and shall he not make it good?

Psa 119:142 Thy righteousness is an everlasting righteousness, and thy law is the truth.

Dan 9:7 O Lord, righteousness belongeth unto thee, but unto us confusion of faces, as at this day; to the men of Judah, and to the inhabitants of Jerusalem, and unto all Israel, that are near, and that are far off, through all the countries whither thou hast driven them, because of their trespass that they have trespassed against thee.

Rom 9:14 What shall we say then? Is there unrighteousness with God? God forbid.

1Jn 2:29 If ye know that he is righteous, ye know that every one that doeth righteousness is born of him.

Jas 1:13 Let no man say when he is tempted, I am tempted of God: for God cannot be tempted with evil, neither tempteth he any man:

With these scriptures stating clearly that God is not unrighteous, there must be an alternative meaning to Amos 3:6. The context makes it pretty clear! It first mentions a trumpet blown in a city: this is usually a symbol for battle. For this reason people are afraid because they know destruction is coming. The text would therefore make more sense to render the word “evil” calamity because in this context a battle is sounded, people are afraid, and calamity would be the result of destruction brought to the city by a battle or the Lord bringing destruction to a city because of sin. The context of this text does not refer to the Lord doing moral evil in the city; to the contrary it suggests that the Lord brings calamity or disaster to it. The New King James Version correctly renders this text:

Amos 3:6 If a trumpet is blown in a city, will not the people be afraid? If there is calamity in a city, will not the LORD have done it? (NKJV)

This is a particularly good time to explain that “calamity” is not iniquity or sin on the part of God. Remember, I stated earlier that as a result of sin, God destroys the wicked to prevent them from harming others, themselves, and the order of the universe. Ultimately, beings choose whether or not they will be destroyed by the choices they make; however, sometimes God intervenes and will bring about judgment. This judgment results in calamity for those who have chosen not to obey God. Not so much because God desires to punish wicked doers, but more so out of mercy. God can bring about peace to a nation (if they obey Him) or calamity (if they disobey). Examples of this are how when Israel was obedient to God they had times of peace, but when a nation (like Sodom and Gomorrah) pushes God to the limits of indignation: calamity results (Review Deut 30:19). The choices we make can determine the longevity of individuals or nations. God may choose to allow them to suffer the consequences of their own actions in addition to judgment at the 2nd coming of Jesus or He may choose to give an early judgment in order to set an example and cause others to repent so that they can be saved.

However, these texts do not suggest in anyway that God is malicious or vindictive. To the contrary, God is longsuffering and merciful. He has no pleasure in the destruction of the wicked. He is not willing that any should perish (2 Pet 3:9). But, by our choices we can choose to suffer the wrath of God! We force Him to destroy us through our refusal to be in harmony with His law designed to protect and preserve the harmony of the universe.

3) Lam 3:38 Out of the mouth of the most High proceedeth not evil and good?

This text in no way means that morally evil things come from the mouth of God. Instead, it suggests that from the mouth of God can come both things for good or things that can bring about calamity. It brings us back to the choices we make. When a person makes good choices good things (blessings) can come from the mouth of God. When a person makes bad choices evil things (calamity or curses—not foul language but curse meaning to put a curse on someone). This was explained through Deut 30:19. The New King James Version offers a better rendering of this text so that readers can understand its proper context.

Lam 3:38Is it not from the mouth of the Most High that woe and well-being proceed? (NKJV)

The verses prior to this text also show that God does not approve of evil. The texts after it state that a man being punished for his sins should not complain. Reading the text in context of these verses makes its meaning clearer.

Lam 3:33 For he doth not afflict willingly nor grieve the children of men.
Lam 3:34 To crush under his feet all the prisoners of the earth,
Lam 3:35 To turn aside the right of a man before the face of the most High,
Lam 3:36 To subvert a man in his cause, the Lord approveth not.
Lam 3:37 Who is he that saith, and it cometh to pass, when the Lord commandeth it not?
Lam 3:38 Out of the mouth of the most High proceedeth not evil [woe] and good [well-being]?
Lam 3:39 Wherefore doth a living man complain, a man for the punishment of his sins?
Lam 3:40 Let us search and try our ways, and turn again to the LORD.
Lam 3:41 Let us lift up our heart with our hands unto God in the heavens.

With these texts brought into proper context we can see that God has not created evil, nor is their evil in Him, and He certainly does not do things that are immoral because He is a righteous God!

Psa 5:4 For thou art not a God that hath pleasure in wickedness: neither shall evil dwell with thee.


The Great Controversy

God did not create evil (immorality) and takes no pleasure in it. Evil does not give God any glory. Calamity (the destruction God brings on those who do evil) is not something that glorifies God, but something that God will reluctantly do in order to preserve harmony in the universe. The question needs to be asked, “Why do people think God is capable of evil?”

This is a result of the Great Controversy. Satan constantly causes people to sin ( and thus they suffer inherent consequences of their actions) and he accuses them before God hoping that every sin brings the sinner closer to destruction (calamity) at the hands of God. God works fervently to encourage sinners to turn from their wickedness. Satan often accuses God of favoritism or giving His beloved creation advantages so that they will serve Him without error.

For example, Satan accused God of favoring Job to the point where Job was serving God because of all the benefits and not because he truly feared God. It was this accusation Satan made in front of the universe that forced God to prove him wrong by putting Job through the hardest trial of his life. This controversy still takes place today as Satan accuses us (Rev 12:10) and we go through trials that show whether we truly stand with God or not.

Satan accuses God of unrighteousness because he’s trying to attribute his own characteristics to God! Yet God is not unrighteous, and through the victory of Jesus on the cross at Calvary, Satan was proven wrong! This is why he knows he has only a short time and works viciously to secure souls to suffer with him in the fires of hell (1 Pet 5:8; Rev 12:12).

Often the devil attempts to trick human beings into believing that God is unrighteousness. He accuses God through human questions and phrases. For example, ever wonder why natural disasters are called “acts of God”? This is Satan attributing disasters to God and blaming Him for it. Yet these things are not God’s fault and usually not His doing (unless God is judging a particular wicked nation and brings about calamity because of terrible sins but this is not the case with every natural disaster). Disasters are actually a result of sin and even a result of how we treat our environment. Take Global Warming for example. Global warming can cause natural disasters that bring about suffering. Global warming can be caused by our disrespect for the environment that God gave us to live in. When we sin by hurting the earth, consequences as result of our actions occur (not God directly deciding to punish people, but rather our actions have reactions that result in calamity.

To learn more about why God has temporarily permitted sin to exist (and did not eliminate it right away) and how the Great Controversy plays out through actions having reactions, causes having effects, etc. we must study the Great Controversy which is another subject all together. Information about it can be found at: and I will post another article on the subject at a later time.

In short, sin is not God’s fault; the blame belongs with Satan. God did not originate sin but He permits it because of the Great Controversy. The Great Controversy is basically Satan’s accusations against God before the whole universe. If God had eliminated Satan right away, the Universe would serve Him out of fear and not love. God had to allow the Universe to see what sin would manifest into, otherwise there would always have been a question of whether or not Satan was right. Every evil thing happens as a result of this controversy. God desires to end it, but cannot until sin has fully manifested and the entire Universe sees that He was right and Satan was wrong. In the process, God desires to save fallen mankind instead of allowing them to become victims of this controversy. When Adam and Eve sinned they gave Satan ownership of this world. God had to send Jesus to redeem the world so that the world through Him could be saved and human beings do not need to be lost along with evil angels. God will end the great controversy but probationary time is given to all who would accept the gift of Salvation so that they will not be lost as victims of this controversy. In the mean time, bad things can happen to both good and bad people as a result of choices that are made. These things are all Satan’s doings as he attempts to force God to destroy a creation He loves.

Again this information is complicated to explain, I will have to cover it from scripture in another study that will answer the question of: Why does God, reluctantly, have to permit sin?


In Conclusion

The short answer and conclusion on this matter is that God did not create evil. Texts that refer to God as the creator of evil are often misunderstood and have alternative meanings (see above for explanations). God is the creator of all things and all things are made for his glory; moreover, God created all things perfect and good, he did not create anything bad, corrupted or evil. Even Lucifer (who later became Satan) was created perfect and without sin. However, through freedom of choice, beings can choose to do what God wants or do the opposite of what ever God wants. Satan corrupted himself through his freedom to choose not to obey God. God never wanted His creations to choose not to obey Him, but in order to have true love (and voluntary obedience): the freedom of choice has to be present. In order for love to exist, God takes a risk in giving created beings the ability to choose because without choice created beings can only do what they are programmed to do and not what they choose to do. They would obey because they are programmed or forced to. God wanted obedience by love: voluntary choice and willing service. This is because when we choose to love God, the love is meaningful to Him because we can choose not to give it to Him. In voluntary love, God is glorified. This concept I elaborated on above and drew illustrations.

Through choices, Satan initiated the concept of “evil”. A perfect being, through choice, can become evil even though God did not create evil. Satan corrupts himself after becoming discontent with his position (though it was the highest position possible for a created being) because he wanted to take God’s place and rule the universe. This idea led him to become evil. Evil was not God’s invention. This evil, Satan spreads throughout the earth causing people to sin.

God could not destroy Satan right away, though he originated sin, because of a controversy Satan started accusing God of being unfair and claiming that he (Satan) would be a better “god” even though he is a created being and God (who is not a created being) is the creator. For the first time ever, the universe was introduced to sin and God had to permit it to manifest because if He didn’t, the Universe would have served God out of fear believing that Satan could possibly have been correct in his accusations. Therefore, God allowed sin to manifest so that He could prove Satan wrong and prove that sin is something terrible that the universe never wants to experience again. Only then could God defeat these accusations and the universe will never question or doubt God again! All will serve God voluntarily and happily because He is a God of love!

God created Lucifer, but Lucifer made sin or evil (thus becoming Satan / the devil). Though Lucifer was a perfect sinless being, he was able to initiate sin through his freedom of choice. Thus, though God is ultimately responsible for Lucifer’s existence, He is not responsible for evil. Because created beings can make choices, making evil becomes a possibility and has become a reality.

God hates evil and wants no part in it. Eventually, He will ultimately destroy evil and evil / sin will never exist again! We will still have freedom of choice, but every created being will voluntarily choose to love and obey God! We will have no reason to doubt or mistrust Him. The fact that some doubt and mistrust God is the very reason why the Great Controversy must play out and God has to permit sin. He loves us and wants us to voluntarily love Him back! Yet, in order to love Him we must be in harmony with His law. God is a God of love but also of order! If we refuse to love God (the very source of life) we would be miserable in a world that is designed to glorify Him. Therefore, rather than let someone be miserable throughout eternity, as a form of mercy, God will end that life so that it does not have to exist miserably in a world that is designed to glorify God. But for those who love God, He promises eternal life and with that life eternal happiness as we enjoy companionship with our creator.

In answer to the question of why sin will never exist again, Joe Williams (A fellow teacher on the Inspirited Network) states, “Why? Because the redeemed and the universe are unanimous in the declaration "just and true are thy ways"; and, that knowledge keeps sin from happening (originating in the hearts of the redeemed) again.”

In short, God does not create evil: the choices created beings make, make evil possible. God is a loving God that hates evil. He is long suffering, kind, merciful, and compassionate.

Please feel to ask for clarification, I will post updated versions of this article that will explain anything more thoroughly that seems confusing. One of the attacks of the enemy in the last days is to distort the Character of God! God truly is a loving God that desires a relationship with all of us! This relationship, God will not force. We must voluntarily choose it.

Jer 29:11 For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, saith the LORD, thoughts of peace, and not of evil, to give you an expected end.