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By: Juliet Constantine

The Lord is not slack concerning his promise, as some men count slackness; but is longsuffering to us-ward, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance. (2 Peter 3:9 KJV)

Banking has evolved over the years. It is as easy as 123 to do your banking from anywhere, even while relaxing in your bathroom. And with services so wide and varied, it’s like a one-stop shop for bills, fees, insurance, etc. Provided there are regular inflows into your account, everything else is at your finger tips – just a click away. With money in the bank, the possibilities are endless. You only need a bank card, and access to the internet. The promises of God are like, or should I say more than, money in the bank. And there’s always a constant supply. This bank will never go under or ‘run dry’. God’s promises are sure – you can ‘stake your life’ on them. His answer is YES to all that He promised in His words.

So, why do we remain so poor when we can tap into Heaven’s storehouse of promises? Why aren’t we utilizing the Bank of Heaven? Much more than money is there. And we don’t need to make a deposit. It’s already deposited into our account – we only need to do the withdrawal. Claim it. There’s money in the bank!

Our problem seems to be unbelief or lack of knowledge. Let me explain. For our physical bank accounts, we shop freely when we know that there’s money in the bank. There’s no hesitation to swipe your bank card for online or POS transactions. Yes, when we are certain money is there, our confidence is high as we freely spend. However, when we are unsure of the balance, or know for a fact that the money in the bank has been depleted, we do not flash those plastic as much for fear of embarrassment and futility. As soon as our account is ‘top up’ we resume our spending spree.

But it is not so with God’s promises that are even more sure. With God’s money in the bank promises, we spend less because we believe less. We do not know what God has promised and/or hesitant to take Him at His words. We lack faith to trust that His promises are true; and that He will do what He promised. But should our mindset be changed to that of belief, we would find that He is more able and ready to supply all our needs according to His riches in glory! We would find that He honors His promises and you can take them to the bank!

So, what’s stopping you? Get acquainted with God’s promises today. They are more than money in the bank. He promised that in times of trouble, we should call on Him and He will deliver. You can rest assured that the grass will wither and fade away, but the word of God will stand forever. Just trust the Lord with all your heart and He will direct your path. Commit everything you do to the Lord and He will help you. And just in case you do need help locating His Bible promises, you can go to Guaranteed Bible Promises on Facebook; a compilation of some of God’s tried and proven promises that I have put together. Rest assured that His promises are sure. And what He promised, that He will do. It’s a fact. You can take it to the ‘bank’.

Our Heavenly Father, we are so rich yet we remain poor because of our unbelief and lack of faith. Please help us to take You at Your words knowing that what You promised, that You will do. In Jesus’ name we pray, amen.


Copyrighted by Juliet Constantine 2014 (for “Alone With God – Finding Jesus In The Scriptures” Daily Devotional)