By: Juliet Constantine
I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. (Philippians 4:13)
His election mantra was, “Yes, we can”. It was a time of change, a time to change and he lead from the front, motivating his fellow citizens and the world to the realization that yes, we can make a change. Many had never heard of him before that time. Many thought it an impossible feat. Many thought he wouldn’t get far. Many thought he wouldn’t win. But history was in the making; and God raise up a black man to be the President of the United States. He had the entire world behind him, singing his mantra, “Yes We Can!” Barack Obama, a black man, President of the United States, living in the White House. Yes we can.
In this life, there are many things that seems unthinkable, un-achievable until someone set the record. Some years ago, athletes and fans thought it impossible to run at certain speeds over certain distances. Yet today, various records are tumbling down and new ones being set. There are many other great achievements occurring in this age all because someone believed that it can be done and they tried.
The Bible is filled with stories of persons who dared to take the first step in believing. Hebrews Chapter 11 recorded some great acts of ordinary persons who choose to believe and the rest is history. People like Rahab perished not because she believed-a belief that led her to be named in the lineage of Jesus. We can through Christ. Nothing of lasting value comes easy. It takes sacrifice, strong determination and diligent pursuit to make it happen. But first, you must believe you can. Paul, in his testimony, said that he could do all things through Christ who strengthens him. Like Paul, I am a promise and I can through Christ! I can get up and make the change, be the change God is calling me to be. I can do my part to make a change. I can through Christ.
You can too through Christ. Are you fulfilling your calling in Christ? Is your mission accomplished? Does Christ have first place in your life? Whatever your pursuit in life, you can succeed through Christ. There is nothing impossible with Christ. So, go on, take that course you’ve been thinking about; write that book and call Amazon; surrender your will to God; step out in faith. You can through Christ! Christ is our strength and He has already gained the victory. You can make it with Christ.
Dear God, please help us to view our challenges through your eyes. Please hold our hands today, lest we fall and guide our feet. Fill us with the realization that we need not be afraid because you are right by our side. In Jesus’ name, we pray. Amen.
Copyrighted by Juliet Constantine 2014 (for “Alone With God – Finding Jesus In The Scriptures” Daily Devotional)