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Topic: Jesus: Lessons and Parables

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How does scripture unit the Church? What is servant leadership and what does it look like? What does it mean for Christ to be head of the Church? What role does the church play in the salvation experience? How does Bible study and church discipline play a role in preserving church unity? How is the church organized for mission?
What was the focus of Jesus' last prayer? Why is this prayer called the High Priestly prayer? What does it mean to know God and how does this relate to obedience to the law? How can the church demonstrate unity in love and purpose? Is it possible to love another as Jesus demonstrated?
What is the significance of Pentecost? How was the resurrection of Jesus crucial to the event? How did this event manifest the role of the Holy Spirit? Is the gift of tongues a pre-requisite? What is the mission of the Church? What can we learn about the Pentecost experience that can help and inform our walk by faith? How should repentance and baptism play a role?
What took place after the resurrection of Jesus? What did Jesus teach and prepare His disciples to do? What role would the Holy Spirit play in this? Who were the apostles? Who was present in the upper room at Jerusalem? What role would Jesus’ brothers play in the early church? What did the Old Testament prophecies reveal about the Messiah? What does it mean to be a witness for Jesus?
How will Satan deceive the world in the last days? How can we discern these deceptions? What did Jesus warn us about end time deceptions? How does the idea of the immortality of the soul, evolution, and the Pentecostal movement play a role in these events? Why will so many be fooled? What is deception and how can we safeguard against it? In what way does Satan counterfeit what originates with God?
What did Jesus reveal about end time events in Matthew 24 and 25? How can we be prepared to meet Jesus? How does the parable of the 10 virgins illustrate end time events? What is the abomination of desolation? Can prophecy have double fulfillments? How does the second beast power of Revelation 13 tie into end time events and end time persecution?
What does Christ do on our behalf as High Priest in the heavenly sanctuary? Can only Levites be priests? What can we learn from the sanctuary system about our salvation? What is the difference between what was accomplished on the cross and what is done for us in heaven? Why is Jesus often referred to as a lamb? What does the sacrifice of Jesus reveal about the character of God?
Sirius Taylor speaks on the blessing of being blind. Sermon focuses on the story of Jesus healing a blind man who did not sin nor did his parents sin. Is it possible that many of us receive hardship that is our greatest blessing.
What does the book of Revelation tell us about end time events? How does it compare with the book of Daniel? What is meant by apocalypse? What can we learn about Jesus from Revelation? Should prophecy be interpreted as past, present, future, or history? Can the book of Revelation be understood? How can understanding the sanctuary help us understand end time events?
The final episode of our series on suffering and illness, the panel discusses the woman with the issue of blood and Jairus' daughter. What does the Bible mean by the "Prayer of Faith". Could we see more miracles if there were more faith? Is God ever too late? Can lack of faith hinder miracles? Why did Jesus choose not to perform miracles around people present who lacked faith?
What is stewardship? What are some examples of Biblical stewards? Are we truly accountable for everything God entrusts to us? How can the church fulfill its responsibilities toward God’s Word? After Eden, what responsibility do human’s still have toward the material world? How can we use the armor of God in our stewardship?

Part 7 of Ever-Present: When I'm Suffering Illness continues. What does Jesus do in response to Lazarus' death? Did everyone believe as a result? Are there times when we think God is too late? Do miracles still happen today? Why did God allow Lazarus to die at first? Are there times when our hangups prevent miracles? How can prayer change situations?