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Topic: Revival

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What can we learn from the story of David and his temptation about how we can avoid temptation today? How does this powerful story about God's forgiveness give sinners hope today? Are some in the church carrying burdens that need to be released and given to God?
How do marriages impact spirituality? What's so wrong with unequally yoked marriages? If someone sins through being unequally yoked, what are the consequences for the individual? What about the nation? Christians today? Was Nehemiah too harsh in his approach? Why did Paul address this differently? Why does God want spiritual compatibility? Was this about nationality or faith?
John Spellman preaches on Transformative Acceptance. In an age where so many are looking for acceptance how can we define what acceptance is? What should it look like in the church? For what purpose does God accept those who come to Him? What is transformation?
How does God lead us to repentance and spiritual revival? When the feasts were over, How did the Israelites in Nehemiah's time go about the work of confession and repentance? What subjects were addressed in their prayer? What role does the Bible play in revival?
What is the Elijah message and how does it relate to families especially in the end times? How did John the Baptist fulfill the prophecy of the coming Elijah that would return hearts? How does this connect with the three angel’s message? What impact should the gospel have on families?
Is there a need for revival in the church today? Is the church in a fixed or growth mindset? How does the message of Jesus to the Laodecian's describe our condition? Do we worship God with lip service while our hearts are far from Him?
What did Jesus reveal about end time events in Matthew 24 and 25? How can we be prepared to meet Jesus? How does the parable of the 10 virgins illustrate end time events? What is the abomination of desolation? Can prophecy have double fulfillments? How does the second beast power of Revelation 13 tie into end time events and end time persecution?
Based on Ezekiel 37, Elder John Spellman speaks on the vitality of a church. What makes a church alive and well? How does this relate to Ezekiel's vision of the dry bones? What is needed for revival in the church today?
As new believers join the church they are often discouraged when they are confronted with imperfections. Focusing on the story of Achan, John Spellman speaks to how we sometimes bring accursed things into the church which are a stumbling block to everyone.

John Spellman preaches at the Beit Shalom SDA Congregation on 2 Kings 4:38-44. During a time of famine in Gilgal, the sons of the prophets were hungry. Elisha tells them to make a pot of stew. But in one man's effort to gather the ingredients, he accidentally introduces a poisonous substance to the stew pot. The sons of the prophets proclaim that there is death in the pot. How can this relate to our Christian experience today? What is in the stew pot of our lives? Do we sometimes poison ourselves without knowing it?

What is the significance of Jesus' crucifixion and resurrection? Why did the veil in the temple rip? What did Jesus mean when He cried out "My God, My God why have you forsaken me?" What did it mean for Jesus to be separated from the Father? What similarities do we hold to Barabbas? Did the crucifixion really happen? How does secular history evidence this event? What does the resurrection mean for believers and why is it the basis of our faith? What did Jesus commission us to do in response to His salvation?




Dr. Tasker joins live as we discuss the seven Churches of Revelation. What do the messages to the 7 churches reveal to Christians today? What problems are depicted in these churches and what help does Jesus offer to address these problems? How is Jesus introduced to each church? What approach does He use to commend and rebuke them? In what ways are we like each of the churches or in danger of making similar choices? This week we look a the Great Controversy through the seven churches as Satan attacks the church from within.