By: Juliet Constantine
“Peace I leave with you, My peace I give to you, not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your heart be troubled, nether let it be afraid.” (John 14:27 NKJV)
“Could it be – another World War brewing? If not, what’s happening?” These current concerns are on the lips of many persons. Based on current happenings, many persons have and/or are becoming afraid to even leave their homes, let alone flying. So many innocent lives have been lost because a few who want to control the many. Persons are concerned for their safety, not just on the ground or on water, but also in the air. People are concerned, if it has not yet happened, when will it happen here? This caused many to be afraid to travel. They are afraid of Pirates who are everywhere.
There is never a dull moment on our planet. Always, something is happening somewhere. Even though we sometimes eliminate the bad ‘egg’ in an effort to restore peace; another, and still yet another is always hatching somewhere. Our world is filled with hatred and wars everywhere; and this dated back to the origin of sin. As long as sin is around, we will not be free from the plague of wars and destruction.
Jesus knew this would be a daily experience for Earth’s inhabitants. He knew that men in their efforts would try to give peaceful assurance that was only temporary. He knew there would be no lasting peace as there were persons in our world who wanted full dominance, just like the rascal Satan. Jesus knew that men’s heart would be failing them for fear for what’s coming on the Earth. But He assured us to fear not, nor be dismayed. He gave us His peace to keep our hearts and minds in all circumstances.
When Jesus was leaving Earth, He was concerned for those disciples who would have to endure the hatred and murderous intention and actions of the Scribes and Pharisees. He knew it wouldn’t be easy for them to carry on their work without divine help. And so, He gave them His peace. He gave them The Holy Spirit who would be with them and keep them in the way they would go. His assurance was a lasting experience and the Holy Spirit was like the seal to His words. Now, the disciples could go out and face their world no matter what lies ahead. They were confident that God was with them.
We can be too. The promise of the Holy Spirit was for us too and yes, He is with us. We do not need to fear what’s coming upon our world. We can rest assured that if God permitted it to happen, He will bring good out of it all. You may have lost a loved one or two, or maybe more. Don’t get discourage and do not let the actions of others hold you prisoner in your home or wherever you are. With The Holy Spirit by your side God will take care of you.
Remember His words of assurance: “Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.” Wars and strife were here before you were born and they will be here until Jesus returns. We will just have to live with the reality that sin is dominating now – but it will be cut short in righteousness. Until then, praise God for His heavenly protection and guide.
Oh Father, our human nature is so frail and we sometimes forget that Your promise is with us. Please help us to be assured that You are with us, and whatever comes our our, You will see us through. In Jesus’ name we pray, amen.
Copyrighted by Juliet Constantine 2014 (for “Alone With God – At His Feet” Daily Devotional)