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Topic: Marriage

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This quarter we start a new series on family and relationships? Did God create man for relationships? Is there an order to life and to all things in Creation? What did Solomon mean when he talked about the different times and seasons for purposes under heaven? What patterns, changes, and cycles do we experience in life and also around us?
What will heaven be like? Where will God’s people live? Will life in eternity be like this life now here on earth? What will happen to the wicked? What does the Bible mean by new heaven and new earth? How are these things symbolized through the marriage relationship of a bride and groom?
As we explore the subject of feeling alone, does technology and social media play a role in the weakening of our most important relationships? Has the next generation become too desensitized, plugged in, and disconnected from the real world? How does this condition fulfill end time prophecies? How can God make the difference in restoring broken relationships?
How does scripture unit the Church? What is servant leadership and what does it look like? What does it mean for Christ to be head of the Church? What role does the church play in the salvation experience? How does Bible study and church discipline play a role in preserving church unity? How is the church organized for mission?
What is the key to unity in the Church? How does Paul’s letter to the Ephesians give us a model for true unity? How does submission, obedience, and love allow unity to exist? What is God’s plan for unity in our relationships—especially between husband and wife? How should this unity impact the message and mission of the Church?
Pastor Michael Mirra interviews Boro Bacev: an ex-homosexual sharing his testimony on surrendering to God and walking with Jesus as a member of the Seventh Day Adventist Church. After his conviction through a sermon by Doug Batchelor, Boro no longer identifies as a homosexual. Instead, he shares thoughts on his victory over sin, the modern day compromises in the church, and how to share faith with the LGBT community without compromising Bible principle.
One of the reasons why we feel alone is because like Naomi in the story of Ruth, we push people out of our lives. In the same way we often push God out of our lives at times when we most need Him. God sends people into our lives to give us comfort, encouragement, wisdom, and strength. He created man a social being. Sometimes we're alone because we push others away trying not to get hurt.
Are there ever times when you feel alone? You may be a person that has lots of friends or even family, but you may go through times in which you feel misunderstood, out of place, or alone because the people closest to you, don’t really get you! There are times when we can be surrounded by people but still feel like we’re alone. One of the greatest lessons of the Bible is that no matter how alone we may feel, regardless of the circumstances, God is always present with us.

Did you know that you have a special anniversary with God? There is a special time that He wants to spend with you? A time that commemorates something special. Yet, we always forget it. If we would get angry, disappointed, or hurt when our loved ones forget the times, events, or special occasions that are most important to us, why do we think that it’s ok to do the same thing to God? In this simple presentation, the Sabbath is explained and its relevance to Christianity today.




In these uncertain times, everyone is looking for financial security. Everyone is looking for safety in investments. Yet, as people take on the extra hours and seek to make ends meet… the pursuit of money and financial security has led to one of the biggest investment losses of our time: like the investment of our children!

Pastor Michael Mirra speaks on the subject of the new revisionist readings and interpretations on Bible passages dealing with homosexuality. Are these new interpretations Biblical? Does the Adventist Church accept practicing members of the LGBTQ Community into fellowship? Would such an approach be Biblical? This video responds to the assertions of the Loma Linda panelists and re-examines the "clobber texts" discredited by liberal members of the church. Pastor Mirra ties this important issue to Present Truth and last day events.
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As Jewish people celebrate the feast of Sukkot, Christians should be reminded of what it meant and what it pointed to in prophecy? What if I told you it had a hidden meaning that was significant for our time today? Was the feast of Tabernacles only a commemoration of freedom from Egyptian bondage? Or was there something it pointed to in the prophetic future and the ministry of Jesus? Why did God want the people to dwell in booths? We will take a brief look at salvation history as good and evil struggle for custody of humanity in the Great Controversy.