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Topic: Love

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One of the reasons why we feel alone is because like Naomi in the story of Ruth, we push people out of our lives. In the same way we often push God out of our lives at times when we most need Him. God sends people into our lives to give us comfort, encouragement, wisdom, and strength. He created man a social being. Sometimes we're alone because we push others away trying not to get hurt.
How did the early church begin to overcome its cultural biases against Gentiles? What does this say about the church overcoming ethnic biases today? What did Peter’s vision on Acts 10 really mean? Did it have anything to do with food? How did the church that was started in Antioch contribute to the breaking down of cultural barriers?
What was life like in the early church? How did the church grow and thrive? What challenges did they face and how can they inform how we do church today? Why were the apostles arrested? What does that teach us about persecution in the last days?
Are there ever times when you feel alone? You may be a person that has lots of friends or even family, but you may go through times in which you feel misunderstood, out of place, or alone because the people closest to you, don’t really get you! There are times when we can be surrounded by people but still feel like we’re alone. One of the greatest lessons of the Bible is that no matter how alone we may feel, regardless of the circumstances, God is always present with us.
How did the war between good and evil begin? What is the mystery of iniquity? Did God create evil? How was the conflict between Christ and Satan brought to our world? Has God abandoned us? Who is Satan at war with today? Does God still have a commandment keeping Church? What is the testimony of Jesus?
How does God expect us to overcome evil with good? How should a Christian live in their communities? How should Christians relate to government? Do these answers change when people are difficult to deal with, wrong us, or when a government is corrupt? Does salvation mean law is no longer important? What does Paul mean by love fulfilling the law?

Does God always hear prayers for healing? If an answer to prayer doesn't come, does that mean God has abandoned us? Is there a such thing as too late for God? Does God still work miracles even in our post modern world? How can we have faith in God when prayers are not always answered? How can we believe He loves us when healing doesn't come when we think it should? Were there any examples of Jesus delaying answers to petitions from someone He loved? What can we learn about from these stories about why God doesn't always heal right away?

Why is the cross so central to Paul’s message to the Galatians? Why does he write with such large letters? How does Paul conclude his main point to the Galatian church? What does it mean to be dead to the world and to be a new creation? Is the change to be inward or outward?
What does walking in the Spirit mean for Christians in the Church? How can we carry one another’s burdens? What burdens can individuals only carry themselves? How do we fulfill the law of Christ in helping one another? Is the law of Christ different from God’s law? What does Paul mean by his metaphor of sowing and reaping?
What does it mean to live and walk by the Spirit? Is walking by the Spirit contrary to the law of God? What happens in the life of one who lives under the guidance of the Holy Spirit? Why is there a spiritual war between the flesh and the Spirit within every believer? Can we be victorious in that war? What does it mean to be convicted and converted?
What does Paul mean by freedom in Christ? In what way are we free? What are we freed from? Does freedom in Christ mean we disregard the law? Can legalism or indulgence in sin be true freedom? Why would circumcision cause one to fall from grace and lose Christ?

How did Peter describe the Christian experience? What virtues of Christianity did he emphasize? Do Christians have a role to play in the salvation experience? What is the most important virtue of all? How did Peter view the life after death experience? What did he mean by putting off my tabernacle? As Peter writes his final letter before following Jesus to the cross, what can we learn and apply to our lives today?