Andrew Whitaker shares his testimony about overcoming sin and living a victorious life. Learn how you can too. Andrew shares a word of encouragement about watching and praying to avoid entering into temptation. If you've struggled with besetting sins or struggle with evil thoughts due to the movies, television shows, and things circulated and suggested through Hollywood, this testimony will bring you encouragement.
Why does the Bible emphasize remembering and not forgetting our experiences with God? Why did God tell the Israelites to remember how he delivered them? What does God want us to remember today? What dangers lie in self reliance and forgetting how God has led in the past?
This video is from the Class D, 2007-2010, Inspirited Network broadcasts on stickam with Joseph Williams and John Spellman covering topics related to Salvation and Christian Living. Videos are in standard definition since the broadcasts were done before the studio was built.
Have you ever had a problem that you wanted to hide from everyone around you? Are there things in your life you wish no one knew about? Why is the world the way it is? Why do we see so much corruption, greed, disease, sickness, and problems as we observe the world around us? Is God still involved in the affairs of humanity? Where was God when everything started going wrong? Can we trust that God is still present today even in the midst of political and moral turmoil? Man hides from God, but God is ever-present and seeking out humanity. Where are you?
The Bible teaches about a day lost in history. A day God designed for us to remember. This week's lesson uncovers the mystery of this forgotten and lost day.
At first, he could not sanction His death. Jesus did nothing wrong. He found no fault in Him. So, why did these people want their proclaimed King dead? The church leaders would have secretly assassinated Him if they could, if it was in God’s plan for them to do so. They hated the fact that they couldn’t kill Him privily without getting in trouble with their Roman government. They need the approval of the Romans and they knew exactly how to secure it. Even though their Roman Governor, Pilate, wasn’t in agreement with their evil accusation and plot to kill Jesus, his hands were politically ‘tied’.
As He goes through your records and mine, what will they reveal? Have you been naughty or nice? Does it matter? What’s important is that all your sins are confessed to Jesus Christ, not to a representative. We must turn away from practicing them. Since the process has begun with the dead, we can be certain that He is now examining the recorded entries for the living. You and I do not know when He will call our names – if it hasn’t already been done. Therefore, it means that we have no more time to be naughty, to practice sin. We are now living in our Yom Kippur – our Day of Atonement. Now is the time for us to put away our sins and be clean, or else we will be cut-off.
Recently, while travelling on a familiar road, I decided to use a side road with less traffic. To my astonishment, I took the wrong turn. While the area was somewhat familiar, inner roads can be very tricky. Sometimes they appear to be a maze. For awhile I feared that I was lost. I did not know which way to take to get back to my intended route. I whispered a prayer for guidance and protection. While leading me out and back to safety, God spoke a lesson to my heart that I will always remember. He said, though you may be lost, you can control the exit.