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Topic: Prophecy

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How will Satan deceive the world in the last days? How can we discern these deceptions? What did Jesus warn us about end time deceptions? How does the idea of the immortality of the soul, evolution, and the Pentecostal movement play a role in these events? Why will so many be fooled? What is deception and how can we safeguard against it? In what way does Satan counterfeit what originates with God?
What does it mean to fear God and give Him glory? How can we live in such a way that we glorify God? How should the hour of judgment impact our Christianity? Should we be afraid of God? In what way does the Sabbath play a role in end time events? Why does God have a judgment for the church?
What did Jesus reveal about end time events in Matthew 24 and 25? How can we be prepared to meet Jesus? How does the parable of the 10 virgins illustrate end time events? What is the abomination of desolation? Can prophecy have double fulfillments? How does the second beast power of Revelation 13 tie into end time events and end time persecution?
Was the Sabbath really changed to Sunday? Who was responsible for the change? How does this play a role in end time events? What is the connection between the Little Horn power and the beast of Revelation 13? What is the role of the law in the Christian life?
What does Christ do on our behalf as High Priest in the heavenly sanctuary? Can only Levites be priests? What can we learn from the sanctuary system about our salvation? What is the difference between what was accomplished on the cross and what is done for us in heaven? Why is Jesus often referred to as a lamb? What does the sacrifice of Jesus reveal about the character of God?
What does the plan of salvation have to do with end time events? How significant is it that each member of the Godhead plays a role in the salvation experience? Why is the gospel good news? Is the judgment an act of love? Is Jesus more loving than God the Father? How can we know the character of God? Can Jesus really be within us? Why do these things matter in regard to end time events?
What does the book of Revelation tell us about end time events? How does it compare with the book of Daniel? What is meant by apocalypse? What can we learn about Jesus from Revelation? Should prophecy be interpreted as past, present, future, or history? Can the book of Revelation be understood? How can understanding the sanctuary help us understand end time events?
What does the book of Daniel tell us about the character needed for the last days? What traits did Daniel and his companions have that allowed them to stand for their faith and lead pagan kings like proud Nebuchadnezzar and Darius to know the Living God? Why was Daniel a captive I a strange land? When the laws of the state tested their faith, what did Daniel and the 3 Hebrews do? What should Christians do when faced with the mark of the Beast?
How did the war between good and evil begin? What is the mystery of iniquity? Did God create evil? How was the conflict between Christ and Satan brought to our world? Has God abandoned us? Who is Satan at war with today? Does God still have a commandment keeping Church? What is the testimony of Jesus?
Of all the decisions we must make in life, the most important is the decision to follow Christ. Can we remain on neutral ground? How do our decisions impact last day events and the hour of judgment? Are decisions for both believers and unbelievers? What will you decide? Is there such a thing as too late?

Peter warns of false teachers that would invade the early church. Does the church still struggle with false teachers today? What were they teaching in Peter’s time? What hints do we have about these individuals in the writings of Peter, Paul, and Jude? What does freedom in Christ really mean? Are we free to live in sin? What effect do false teachers have on the church?




Does God care about our future? How has God been active in humanity's past? Are human beings meant to know the future? Why would God reveal such a thing? Does anything take God by surprise? With all the turmoil in our world today, is there any hope for the future? What is God revealing to us now? How has God revealed Himself in human history? Pastor Mirra focuses on Daniel 2 and 7 showing God's presence in our history.