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Alone With God Devotional Series

Written by Juliet Constantine, these devotionals share thoughts and blessings from on high to give you encouragement, wisdom, and strength to face life's many challenges. Juliet has authored two sets of devotionals: "At His Feet" and "Finding Jesus In The Scriptures". Select from all the devotionals below or choose a topic from the menus.

And so we wait, groaning yet waiting, working yet waiting, occupying yet waiting, witnessing while waiting because we know, it will be any day now. Jesus will come again and make all things new. Everything that hurts or annoys will soon be no more. Patiently we wait for our home where changes never come. Things will be better one day, not on this Earth, but in the recreated Earth. There is still hope.

Have you been ostracized, been treated unfairly, ridiculed, or suffered discrimination because of your belief in God and the teachings of the Bible? Don’t fight back. See the devil as the instigator at work through them. Find other ways to defend yourself, if you need to, but do pray for them. Genuinely ask God to change and save your persecutor(s). Whatever you do, whatever circumstances you’re faced with, let self be quiet and let God work through you to bless others.

Our God, who is all-wise, knew before the foundation of the earth that man would fall. He made arrangements for Jesus to trade place with us. Our Father knew that our heredity tendencies would be sinful but we could be nurtured into righteousness. We can be nurtured (through teaching and loving) back to Him. So He sends Jesus to show us how. This is so assuring, it’s not who I am now but who I can become through Christ.

As we encounter our various challenges and struggles on this Earth, we have nothing to fear. With Jesus at our head we are assured that troubles won’t last long. Why, we have read the last chapter of the Book and we know how it will all climax. Jesus promised that He would return for us. He went away to prepare this beautiful place for His children. He promised that if He go He would come again! We know that He went away and are fully assured that He is coming back soon! Are you longing for Heaven, yearning to enter those pearly gates? Are you packed and ready to go? The Lord is there.

So, why would I want to continue wearing old clothes when new ones have been provided? Cost isn’t a factor. Having someone pick up my tab while I shop for new clothes is such a thrilling thought. I’m ready when you are!! Similarly, it’s the same gift we have been handed by Jesus Christ. We have been given the power to put away our old covering, everything evil, and to wear Christ’s robe of righteousness. Can you imagine dressing in Jesus’ clothes? There will be a definite change. The things I once do, I do them no more. My new clothes now befit the person I’ve become. The change is evident. I am a new creation.

If you are in bad company and desire to break it off, limit your exposure to that company and submit yourself to positive influence of God’s instructions for your life. Seek friends who wants God’s best for your life and who provides positive encouragement on your journey of faith. Remember, we are easily corruptible creatures. With God’s help, do all you can to remain pure.

For most of us Christians, this truth we believed; but sometimes it is not reflected in our attitude when we are called upon to serve. It is sad to say even in our worship life, the gladness that should characterize our praise seems damp, cold and lifeless. Our singing, our sharing and receiving of His word, our tolerance of others seems to be a mirrored reflection of our lives outside of Church time. Even in our secular activities, at times, we seemed not to be serving the Lord, and others, with gladness. Whatever we do or wherever we are, we are to do all things to honor God, serving with gladness.

As you determined to retrain your mind to know and embrace your new space, the new route is now easy to remember. It’s no longer a struggle. So is it in your Christian walk. As you allow God’s word to do its work of sanctification in transforming your mind, your actions will fall in place. Your new perspective will result in behavioral change. Your desires and longings for those old practices will be gradually changed as you embrace the new person you’ve become.

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