By: Juliet Constantine
Jesus therefore, knowing all things that would come upon Him, went forward and said to them, “Whom are you seeking?” (John 18:4 NKJV)
That’s poor policing! How could they go to make an arrest, and not even know the accused or carry along an artist impression of Him? They might have taken anyone. But that wouldn’t happen. Judas was the reliable eye witness; and he was with the arresting officers to make sure they get the right accused. Still, upon their arrival, it was Jesus who asked them: “Whom are you seeking?” They replied, “Jesus of Nazareth”. Jesus identified himself when He said, “I am He”. Instead of stepping forward and arresting Jesus, they drew back and fell to the ground. It took a repeat of Jesus’ question before they believed and arrested Him.
“They drew back and fell to the ground.” Talk about being sloppy. At Jesus’ acknowledgement, that He is the “I am” they were overcome with fear. In their seeming haste to retreat, they all tumbled over. The authority with which Jesus spoke immediately caused an involuntary falling to the ground of these soldiers. They were not bowing to pay Him homage. It was fear that filled their hearts causing the reaction of backing away and falling over. Yet, in His kindheartedness, Jesus once again asked: “Whom are you seeking?”
Today, people continue to seek Jesus. Many are searching for someone, something, to bring them lasting happiness. They are looking for that one person they believe can take all their troubles away. Knowing or unknowingly, many are seeking Jesus because He’s the only One who can truly satisfy. He promised that if we seek Him we shall find Him when we search for Him with all our hearts. It’s not a casual thing – it takes effort to find Jesus. Unlike Judas, and the arresting officers who sought Jesus for a different reason, we are admonished to first seek God’s kingdom and His righteousness and all things will be added to us. And like so many others, we too will not be afraid when we have found Him.
There are many accounts of others who sought Jesus and their reasons differed. Nicodemus sought Jesus by night because he wanted a private audience with Him to confess his belief in Him. The Centurion sought Jesus because his servant was sick and needed healing. Jairus sought Him for the healing of his daughter. The woman with the issue of blood sought Him because she needed healing of her own infirmity. Mary and some disciples sought Jesus on that historical morning, but only Mary was determined enough to continue her search until she found Him. Many sought and found Him and He relieved their problems. They will tell you, “It was well worth the effort!” You can too.
I am reminded of the words of this beautiful song: “The world may try to satisfy, that deep longing in your soul, you may search this wide world o’er but you’ll be just like before, you’ll never find true satisfaction until you find the Lord, for only Jesus can satisfy your soul.” Be encouraged that you can “turn your eyes upon Jesus, look full in His wonderful face, and the things of earth will grow strangely dim, in the light of glory and grace.” Yes, seek Jesus; look to Him because only Jesus can satisfy our souls.
Our Father, we know that only Jesus can truly satisfy our souls, and only He can change our hearts and make us whole. Please give us His peace that we’ve never known, true love and joy and heaven too, because we ask it all in His name, amen.
Copyrighted by Juliet Constantine 2014 (for “Alone With God – Finding Jesus In The Scriptures” Daily Devotional)