By: Juliet Constantine
Be ye also patient; stablish your hearts: for the coming of the Lord draweth nigh. (James 5:8)
I have a problem. I have a problem with God! He doesn’t understand when something is urgent, when His answer is needed immediately! Why isn’t He answering? How can He not answer? Doesn’t He see the pain and hurt?
Have you ever heard or uttered those words yourself? Guilty as charged. I have often wondered why God is so slow in responding but I am often reminded that His thoughts are not my thoughts or His ways my way. In the waiting period for an answer, it is sometimes faith rocking – especially when you are claiming God’s promises, the same promises that His words assured will receive a “yes” answer. Why has God not answered? He promised!
Whenever these times arise, what can we do to hold fast to God’s word, His promises? The Easy To Read Version puts it nicely; “You must be patient too. Never stop hoping. The Lord is coming soon.” James 5:8. Be settled in your mind that His words are true. He will not fail you. Stand firm on His promises, though the revelation of His answer is delayed! He will come through. Still believe. You are not alone in this journey. Others have faced a similar cross before you.
It hurts to see God’s children cry – tears of sorrow – not over their departed loved ones, but tears for all the walls of problems that enclosed them. We’ve prayed, but sometimes God doesn’t deliver right away, and it is sometimes faith rocking. We can draw comfort that God is faithful and He cannot lie. He will come true. Job wondered but his faith held onto the God of Heaven. He knew in whom he believed. His mind was fixed and he patiently waited until his change came. There are others like him in our modern world – even living today. It is possible to have a steadfast faith in God, even in the midst of complete silence from Him.
Keep on praying. Keep on believing. Keep on reminding yourself of His promises and hold fast to them. He will come through. He knows the plans He has for you. Plans to prosper you - though you may be in hunger now; though your bills maybe piling up; though the way seems all black and you are hedged in – He will come through. Hold on a little longer. Don’t give up. He has promised His love to the end. So, go ahead, cry if you must, but don’t give in. Tears are a language that God understands. Do whatever you must, but be patient too. Never stop hoping. The Lord is coming soon. His answer will be right on time.
Our Father in Heaven, we praise you because of who you are, not just for what you’ve done. Our hearts are holding on to your promises of relief and rescue. We know you will come to our rescue – when isn’t important. We know you will be right on time. Grant us patient, steadfast hearts to wait on You, in Jesus’ name we pray, Amen.
Copyrighted by Juliet Constantine 2014 (for “Alone With God – Finding Jesus In The Scriptures” Daily Devotional)