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Topic: Encouragement

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This week Pastor Michael Mirra focuses on attacks against the Word of God and the inclination of man to resist and not hear or listen to the Word of God. There were times in history when the Bible was not always available to the common person. But was the Bible meant to be read and available to everyone? Were the dark ages because of the Bible, or did the Bible bring us out of the dark ages? Why are there so many who twist the word of God? How do we know that Moses really wrote the first five books? What was so special about Moses?

Elder John Spellman preaches on the Elisha and the healing of the waters of Jericho that were cursed for many years using a cruse of salt. What special message might this hold for us today? Are we like the living water or the corrupted water that makes the land barren?




Why do Christians go through difficult experiences? Is there truly a war between good and evil? How does God transform the situations the devil uses to discourage us? What message did Peter have about those going through trials? How does this speak to our challenges today?

Does God care about our future? How has God been active in humanity's past? Are human beings meant to know the future? Why would God reveal such a thing? Does anything take God by surprise? With all the turmoil in our world today, is there any hope for the future? What is God revealing to us now? How has God revealed Himself in human history? Pastor Mirra focuses on Daniel 2 and 7 showing God's presence in our history.




Does God care when we're at our lowest point? Can we ever do so much wrong or mess up so bad that God can't forgive us? When God forgives do our actions still have consequences? Is it a sign of weakness to admit when you're wrong? Pastor Mirra follows the story of Manasseh which has much to say to hearts too proud to repent, even when they are brought to really low places in life.




Have you ever felt misunderstood and misrepresented? Are there ever times when you’ve tried to do the right thing and you’ve been misinterpreted? There are times when it seems like the more you try to do what’s right, people object. This is especially true whenever you try to live your life for God or whenever you seek to do whatever He has planned for your life. The closer you get to God, the more you can seem at dissonance with the rest of the world.




What if there was a way to know the future of our world and what if that future could be filled with hope? What if there was a bright and exciting future that has been planned for you since the beginning of time? With all the chaos and uncertainties in our world today, many are concerned about the future of our nation, the stock market, politics, and even the fate of the planet itself. But what if everything: the wars, the divisions, the disasters… were all on schedule, pointing us toward a future event that would change life as we know it?

What if everything you knew was a lie? What if you have lived your whole life seeing, but never really seeing or hearing, but understanding nothing? What if all the answers have been within your reach, but you were never able grasp them? What if you’ve lived almost your whole life, with a blind fold on? Would this news surprise you? What if I told you that there’s a way to take the blind fold off? Would you want to get rid of it? Or would you rather leave it on?




Our time on earth is limited. Days are numbered! And because days are numbered, we have to live for what really matters and not waste time on the things that don’t. Some people learn that lesson the hard way, spending their entire lives and the majority of their time on what means nothing! Often, when they realize it, it’s too late.




In these uncertain times, everyone is looking for financial security. Everyone is looking for safety in investments. Yet, as people take on the extra hours and seek to make ends meet… the pursuit of money and financial security has led to one of the biggest investment losses of our time: like the investment of our children!

Sirius Taylor talks about a life of character building as we explore the life of Moses. Different experiences in Moses' life caused him to cry out to God. Why is it that we often need to cry out? How is Moses' experience so much like our own as Christians? What can we learn from the lessons of Moses' life?




Does life have a purpose? What is the value of human life in the eyes of God? If I struggle with an addiction and my life is messed up, does God still care about me? Does the Bible speak to feelings of depression and low self-esteem? Is there someone who values me when it seems like no one cares and I feel like giving up? Is there hope for someone like me? John Spellman hosts Gems of Truth.