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Topic: Christian Living

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How did Jesus overcome temptation? Why is He the second Adam? What was the purpose of Jesus coming to earth? What is the significance of "Emmanuel" or "God with us". Is it possible to overcome temptation as Jesus did? How can the Bible aid us in the times of our temptations? What parallels exist between the wilderness temptation and events like the Fall and the Exodus from Egypt? How does Jesus' humanity help Him to relate to struggling sinners as our High Priest? This week, as we address many of these issues, we will explore how to be victorious over sins.




What can we learn from the time period of the judges? Why did God raise up these men, women, and children? Why was victory over the army of Sisera given to a woman, Jael, rather than Barak? What can we learn from the story of Gideon about faith? How does the story of Samson show God's willingness to work through people even when they make mistakes? We will also cover the story of Ruth and Samuel. God works through human agencies when they are fully dependent on Him. Yet, even when they go down wrong paths, He turns problematic situations into opportunities.

Have you ever watched American Ninja Warrior? Athletes compete to overcome many obstacles and make great sacrifices including money, time, careers, relationship stability, among a host of other things. They are dedicated and resolute in their desire to win. They show themselves willing to do whatever it takes. What can Christians learn from their example about being dedicated to God? Are there many in the church who need a conversion experience? Should God be part of our lives or the center and focus of our lives? What if God had believers like the American Ninja Warriors in these last days?

This week we discuss Philip the evangelist. But is this Philip different from other Philips in the Bible? How can we know for sure? What can we learn about mission work from what the Bible says about this Philip? Why was Philip chosen to serve as a deacon? What qualities did he have that made him stand out? What events later lead to his success as an evangelist? What can we learn from this as Christians today? What does the prophetic ministry of Philip's daughters say about Philip? What might this mean for those called to ministry today?

What can we learn from Abraham's experience? As the first Biblical missionary, Abraham's journey tells us many things about how he witnessed for God through his life and through many of the challenges he faced. Abraham is known as the father of faith, yet was he always a champion of faith? Did Abraham have weaknesses as people do today? If so, how did Abraham learn to trust God over time? What lessons did Abraham learn that are still important lessons for us to learn today? Why was Abraham commanded to leave his father's household in the first place?

What does it mean to follow Jesus? What does it mean to be the greatest disciple? Who were the Pharisees and why did Jesus often clash with them? In what ways are people like the pharisees today? Is being conservative always a bad thing? How can we avoid the hypocrisy of the Pharisees? This week we delve into these subjects as we discover what it means to live the Christian life. We will discuss what it means to be a follower of Jesus in our daily practice.

What does Proverbs say about humility and pride? What wisdom is there in being humble? This particular set of proverbs was contributed by Agur, who scholars know very limited information about. What wisdom does Agur have for family relationships? How should children relate to their parents when they get old? In what ways do the words used in these Proverbs connect with God's discussion with Job? What statements are made about God as Creator?

What does the book of Proverbs say about living by faith? How does Solomon further elaborate on his themes of oppression and treatment of the poor? While riches are not a sin, what does the Bible say about how people should become rich? This week we explore Proverbs 28 - 29. Solomon discusses themes of true leadership and corruption, warning of the perils of ruling by unjust means. Why does Solomon suggest its better to have little and maintain integrity compared to having much but resorting to unrighteousness to get there?

What is truth and how does God expect us to relate to truth? Are only Biblical writers given wisdom from God? Does God give wisdom to secular rulers or people? How should the wise relate to the poor? Does God expect the poor to receive partial treatment? Is it ok to be partial toward the rich? How should we relate to truth and what does God expect us to do once we have access to truth? This week's study focuses on Proverbs 23-24.

What words of Wisdom does Proverbs contain for every day life? What implications are there for how we should treat others? While the Bible teaches that we should give to those in need, what does it say about those who don't have because they refuse to work? What practical advise does Proverbs have for parents and how they discipline their children? This week we focus on Proverbs 20 to 22.

What does Proverbs teach about relationships? How should people deal with conflicts with one another? How do words play a role in conflicts? If friends are to love one another, what does that love look like and how should it be demonstrated? What value should be placed on money in our personal relationships? This week, in Proverbs 17-19, Solomon explores conflicts and gives sound wisdom that can greatly impact how we get along with one another.

As human beings we often look only at the surface value of things and fail to see what is beyond. Much like how the crew of a ship sees the tip of an iceberg, people may think the wicked prosper but don't know the full story. How does Solomon again compare the foolish and the wise? In what ways do people today display these characteristics? When you get past the surface value, what are the rewards of the fool and the wise? What do each contribute to society? What other things does Solomon teach us in Proverbs 14 - 16?