By: Juliet Constantine
“There were many people with Jesus when he raised Lazarus from death and told him to come out of the tomb. Now they were telling others about what Jesus did. That’s why so many people went out to meet him—because they had heard about this miraculous sign he did. So the Pharisees said to each other, ‘Look! Our plan is not working. The people are all following him!’” (John 12:17-19)
A day earlier a great multitude had gathered at the home Lazarus shared with his two siblings, Martha and Mary. This time, the celebration was a happy one; but on another occasion, it was a very sad time because Lazarus had died. Many of these same persons were present at for Lazarus’ wake. Lazarus, who was ailing from an unrecorded illness, had died. As is customary, many mourners and sympathizers were there for the wake and burial. They had witnessed Lazarus’ body being bound in white sheet and placed in his tomb. After the burial, they lingered to comfort his bereaved sisters.
Four days had expired after his death, and then Jesus came. He was moved to much tears, not only because His friend had died but mainly because the people’s hearts were hardened. Then God gave these people a testimony. Jesus commanded that the stones be rolled way and called, “Lazarus! Come forth!” The people who were there did not believe a man who had died for four days could be brought back to life. What a shock! What a shouting when they saw that Lazarus came forth; his grave clothes were quickly removed.
This was their testimony, and this was the testimony they shared with everyone they met. It was this same Jesus who raised Lazarus from the dead that they now proclaimed King. Having raised Lazarus back to life, they sincerely believed that nothing was impossible for Him to do. Their belief was evident as their words easily poured from their lips, with such conviction, causing many to believe. Many came to see the man who could bring back people to life. But they might not have come, had no one bore witness of what He did. Like the woman at the well, they must have emphatically said, “Come see a man”.
You too are called to be His witness of the great things He did. Not just what’s recorded, but what He did for you personally. Many are more likely to believe your report, especially when the change is evident in your life, than they are to believe the Bible. We can all testify and let others know that even though He may be four days late, He’s still on time. The wait may be long; the situation might now have a foul odor. Rest assured that your Jesus will still turn up right on time.
No matter what your situation may be, our Jesus who resurrected Lazarus, will bring resurrection power to any problem in our life. We can take back our life from the enemy and share our testimonies wherever we go. Jesus will give you the strength to be His true witness. Whatever you’re going through, you are His witness. Lessons learned are not to be kept – they are to be shared. Witnessing will open the way for others to come see Jesus. You are a witness of His goodness. Be a faithful witness.
Dear Heavenly Father, please help us to share Jesus wherever we go, with whomever we meet. Help us to realize that we have been saved to serve. May we proclaim it loud and clear as we lift up Jesus. For in His name we pray, amen.
Copyrighted by Juliet Constantine 2014 (for “Alone With God – Finding Jesus In The Scriptures” Daily Devotional)