By: Juliet Constantine
And, behold, I send the promise of my Father upon you: but tarry ye in the city of Jerusalem, until ye be endued with power from on high. (Luke 24:49)
He lost his kingdom, not because the Philistines were victorious over them, but because of his disobedience – his failure to wait! Saul believed that because as King, he could do anything and it would be okay. But offering sacrifice wasn’t listed on his job description. In his impatience he blundered and at first strike, he was out! Actions that followed were just residual effect of a failed leadership. He lost his esteemed post! But King Saul wasn’t the only one who failed to wait and the resulting negative effect on him and his people.
The same was true for Samson. He lost his hair, eyes, and his life in the end: because he failed to wait on the Lord. Had he waited for the Lord to provide him an equally-yoked companion, his story would’ve been different. Instead, he chose for himself because they pleased him well. His eyes only saw the outside beauty of the devious Delilah (and others) but God saw the heart. Samson knew this, but in his stubbornness, he rejected God by failing to wait on the Him.
And what about Abraham – didn’t he fail at the waiting game as well? God promised him an heir, but as he and his wife passed the child-bearing age, they became discouraged at waiting. They resigned their faith concluding that infertile Sarah would never bear children. Instead, they found an alternative – a contingency! The resulting effect – endless malice and war upon the earth between descendants of two brothers! If only they had waited.
What about us today? Are we waiting upon the Lord or are we finding our own contingencies? Upon examination of our motives, we will realize that there have been instances in our lives where we failed to wait on the promises God made to us. We have been taught to have a contingency plan in place in the event that the original plan failed. So, in our pursuit for happiness, for our accomplishments, we seemed to believe more in our contingencies than in the original plan. It is really an escape route. And while not all contingencies are bad; there isn’t any contingency for God’s plan for our lives. What He promised, He will do. We only need to wait.
Jesus admonished the disciples to wait in the city of Jerusalem on the Promise of His Father. It wasn’t a passive waiting but an active one. They were to wait by examining themselves, confessing their faults to each other, praying for each other, and surrendering their will to God’s way. The Promise of the Father would be theirs if they waited. And they did. What a time of refreshing that was when they were all filled with the Holy Spirit-- when they realized that the Promise of the Father had come upon them! They realized that they were accepted and filled with power from on high!! Power to proclaim the Messiah!!!
What promise of God do you hold dear? Do not doubt His words. His promises are true. Just wait on Him and He will fulfill His promises and give you the desires of your heart. The wait may seem long, but just wait. Time maybe running out, but just wait. You may want to do it yourself, but just wait. Other things may seem attractive but just wait. You too will be rejoicing when His promise is fulfilled in your life. You will be glad you waited for His promise. The power you will experience will be so refreshing that your testimony will be freely given. Wait on the Lord. Be of good courage and He will strengthen your heart. Wait I say on the Lord.
Oh my Father, I am so happy today for your words of encouragement to us – to wait on Your Promise. Thank you so much for Your Holy Spirit, who teaches and guides us in the way we should go: who helps us to remember things forgotten. Help us to totally depend on You in all aspect of our lives, knowing that whatever You withheld is for our own good. Help us to trust You and to wait on You in all things, in Jesus’ name we pray, amen.
Copyrighted by Juliet Constantine 2014 (for “Alone With God – Finding Jesus In The Scriptures” Daily Devotional)