By: Juliet Constantine
“I tell you, this man went down to his house justified rather than the other; for everyone who exalts himself will be humbled, and he who humbles himself will be exalted.” (Luke 18:14 NKJV)
In my quite time this morning, I came across this question: ”If God gave you what you deserved, what would it be and why?” I pondered on what I would be deserving of and concur, like so many others, that I deserved death because I am a sinner! I fall short so many times that I crave God’s grace to make it through. I am thankful that I am not alone. This is exactly what Jesus wants me to do – ask for His grace.
Jesus told a parable of two men who went to the Temple to pray. The first was a doer of the word while the second wasn’t. As they prayed, the first man thanked God for his own ability to obey and do God’s will; while the second, so conscious of his sinfulness, only sought God’s mercy. God heard both prayers but the non-doer of the word received God’s pardon. He was justified before God while the other wasn’t.
Did the non-doer Publican get what he deserved? Certainly not! He received what he asked for but not what he deserved. He got grace! In acknowledging that he had no power to change his life; no righteousness of his own; in full surrender he asked for what he really needed – God’s grace to make it through.
His praying companion wasn’t so fortunate. His sin still remained with him. His good works, no matter how impressive, could not do the work of justification. He completed his prayer feeling achieved, but didn’t realize that his sin and guilt still remained. He wasn’t forgiven because he didn’t ask.
Being obedient and keeping God’s law isn’t a prerequisite for salvation. Only God’s grace can cleanse us from our sins. Nevertheless, obedience to God’s law is still required to show our love response to Him.
We should be very careful that we do not equate our efforts at being obedient as God’s righteousness. It isn’t. We are saved only through faith in God’s gift of grace. And it is through faith with the help of the Holy Spirit that we will be able to remain obedient to God’s righteous requirements.
Now, which of the two men can you identify with? Are you like that non-doer of the word who can only beat your chest as you cry out to God for forgiveness; or are you like the doer of the word Pharisee who praised his good works? It doesn’t matter which you are – you both need God’s grace to make it through. Accept His pardoning grace and you will be justified like the Publican – the non-doer of God’s words.
Our Heavenly Father, we thank You for Your grace and mercy. Please impart some to us even now so that we will serve you always. In Jesus’ name we pray, amen.
Copyrighted by Juliet Constantine 2014 (for “Alone With God – At His Feet” Daily Devotional)