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What happens during the 1,000 year Millennium? Will the wicked receive a second chance? What will happen to Satan and his evil angels? When does the Millennium begin and end? What exactly will take place during this time period? Does God really need books to pass judgment? What did Paul mean by "we shall judge angels"? Can Satan really be bound with a chain? What does the Bible mean by "bottomless pit"?


Is there really a such thing as hell? Does the devil really rule over it? Would God really punish the wicked forever and ever? Is it possible that much of the Christian world has it wrong when it comes to this doctrine? Could the concept of hell, really be a money making scheme passed down from the dark ages? What is the truth about the punishment of the wicked? Is God a just and fair God? What do our beliefs about hell say about God's character.


Is there really a such thing as hell? Does the devil really rule over it? Would God really punish the wicked forever and ever? Is it possible that much of the Christian world has it wrong when it comes to this doctrine? Could the concept of hell, really be a money making scheme passed down from the dark ages? What is the truth about the punishment of the wicked? Is God a just and fair God? What do our beliefs about hell say about God's character.


What really happens when you die? Why is so much of the world and it's major religions confused about this subject? What does the Bible have to say? What is the meaning of words like "Soul" and "Spirit". How did God create man? Is the soul really immortal? Does mankind have a spirit that returns to God from their nostrils? Is reincarnation a possible answer? What about ghosts? Are they for real? Why do they exist? What did Jesus promise about life after death?


What is the relationship between the law and grace? Is obedience legalism? Does God have the right to make requirements of us? If so, why would God want obedience? Can we be saved ad not do God's Will? How does the law relate to our salvation? This week we explore this topic in an effort to discern the difference between obedience and legalism.


How can we abide in Christ. What transformation must take place in the life of the human being, and what will that transformation look like. Will Christians be noticeably different from everyone else? How will the rest of the world view followers of Christ? What kind of obedience does God want? How can we conform our minds to be in harmony with Christ? How will harmony with Christian principles change the things we do with our time?


What must I do to be saved? How and why does God save us? What are we saved from? Does God really care about us as individuals? How can we know or be sure? What motivated Jesus to go to the cross? All these questions, and more are tackled in this week's lesson covering the plan of salvation. We will also discuss the relationship between works, faith, grace, and salvation.


Brian Johnson discusses the origin of evil and Satan's rebellion in heaven. Did God create the devil? Can we trust that evil will never arise a second time? How did it all begin in the first place. We tackle this difficult subject matter from a Bible based perspective. Yet, are there some questions that may never be answered until Jesus comes?How much can we know?


This week we discuss the judgment and how the earthly service on Yom Kippur was a mini picture of the Heavenly Day of Atonement. When did the judgment begin and when will it end? What will the judgment be like? Who gets judged? Will there be lawyers and prosecutors involved? Will God be fair in the judgment? This week we'll discover some amazing answers to many of these thought provoking questions. This week concludes our study on the prophecies of Daniel 8 and 9.


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