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Why does the Bible emphasize remembering and not forgetting our experiences with God? Why did God tell the Israelites to remember how he delivered them? What does God want us to remember today? What dangers lie in self reliance and forgetting how God has led in the past?
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Why did God make Israel a great nation? How was their law and lifestyle to be a blessing and witness to other nations? How does God's Word become a blessing in the Christian's life? Why did Moses warn not to take away or add to God's Word? What lessons can we take from the Baal Peor incident about cleaving to God?
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Whether old or new covenant, Jesus paid the debt owed to the law so that guilty sinners can stand righteous in the sight of God? But what is imputed righteousness? How did Jesus pay the ransom? If salvation is by grace through faith, can a person continue sinning if they are under grace?
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How was the old covenant sacrificial system replaced by the new? In what ways did it typify the ministry of Jesus? Was salvation ever really different in the Old Covenant compared to the new? What is Jesus' role as High Priest? Was the earthly sanctuary really a model of something existent in Heaven?
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What is the relationship between God's law and His covenant? What does the law tell us about God, His will, and the intended harmony of Creation? What role does the law play in the New Covenant? In what ways are covenants about relationships? Why would a covenant of grace have a law if not to earn salvation?
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How did God initiate the 3 stages of the Covenant with Abraham? What is the importance of or significance of names? What about God's name? What can we learn about God from His name and titles. Did the Covenant come with obligations?
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What is a covenant? How has God established His Covenant throughout history from the Garden of Eden to New Testament times? What are the components of a covenant? Is obedience really necessary? What does it mean to have the law written on the heart? How does a covenant establish a relationship?
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What are the effects of sin on humanity? Who can be forgiven? Why does God give people light? What is the relationship between God's grace and His law? How did Jesus fulfill the prophecy of the "acceptable year of the Lord"? Why does a loving God have a "day of vengeance"?
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How did scripture form the basis for everything that Jesus did and taught? What emphasis did He place on scripture for justification of His ministry, actions, and fulfillment of prophecy? How did the apostles view scripture? What should this teach us about the Bible today? How did Jesus use the Word of God to combat the devil? Is there a difference between faith and presumption?
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What is the cleansing of the sanctuary? How can an understanding of the sanctuary service o the Old Testament help us understand Jesus’ High Priestly ministry? In what way did the little horn power attack the daily ministration of Christ? How does this affect us today? What part of this vision doesn’t Daniel understand? What is meant by the 2300 day prophecy in Daniel 8?
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