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Part 3 of "When I'm Suffering Illness" on Ever-Present focuses on the health and medical professions? Is going to the doctor contrary to God's plan? If there are many who don't believe in God within the medical professions does that mean that Christians shouldn't get professional help when they are burdened with diseases and illness? Can true believers only be healed by miracles or does God bless people in the medical professions whether or not they acknowledge Him? Can it be proven from the Bible that God uses non-believers to be a blessing to believers?

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Are you, or is someone you know, suffering from a terrible disease or illness? Is it something terminal or debilitating? Have you ever found yourself wondering why this has happened to you and why God allows you to go through suffering? Do you pray but not see the answers you’re looking for? At times of hardship like when you or someone you love is sick, it can be hard to see that God is Ever-Present.
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Part 2 of our series on God's presence when suffering illness. If both Christians and non-believers alike get sick, is there truly a benefit to following God? What are some of the factors that contribute to sickness and disease? Can God still work miracles when we get sick? Can I live how I want and by faith rebuke my sickness? Does disease mean that God isn't present in my life or that he has abandoned me?
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Does God always hear prayers for healing? If an answer to prayer doesn't come, does that mean God has abandoned us? Is there a such thing as too late for God? Does God still work miracles even in our post modern world? How can we have faith in God when prayers are not always answered? How can we believe He loves us when healing doesn't come when we think it should? Were there any examples of Jesus delaying answers to petitions from someone He loved? What can we learn about from these stories about why God doesn't always heal right away?

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