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This quarter we start a new series on family and relationships? Did God create man for relationships? Is there an order to life and to all things in Creation? What did Solomon mean when he talked about the different times and seasons for purposes under heaven? What patterns, changes, and cycles do we experience in life and also around us?
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What is the connection between the mark of the beast and the everlasting gospel? How do the messages of the 3 angels prepare us for the end time conflict and final test of loyalty between God and the satan? Who is Babylon and who are her daughters? What does the judgment mean for those who live in these end times?
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How did Satan persecute the church during the 1,260 years? What is represented by the first beast in Revelation 13? How does this beast connect with the prophecies of Daniel and the blasphemy against the tabernacle? What power is represented by the land beast of Revelation 13 that has characteristics of a lamb and a dragon? What do these things mean in relation to end time events and Bible prophecy?
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Who are the 144,000? How many people will be saved from the Great Tribulation? What are the 4 winds held back by the four angels? Who will be sealed and be able to stand in the time of great trial? What will be the character of the redeemed? In this lesson we explore Revelation 7 and it’s connections to the end time controversy over worship and obedience to God.
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What was the focus of Jesus' last prayer? Why is this prayer called the High Priestly prayer? What does it mean to know God and how does this relate to obedience to the law? How can the church demonstrate unity in love and purpose? Is it possible to love another as Jesus demonstrated?
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How can we preserve unity in the church? What creates disunity? How does God’s law connect with unity? What led to the schism in ancient Israel? How was the early church divided? What can we do to avoid division today? How can leadership and counsel influence unity? Should people be allowed to do whatever feels right to them? How can we rightly divide the word of Truth today?
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What was the importance of the Jerusalem council? What contributing factors lead to the final sentence by James? How did the conversion of Cornelius and the ministry of Paul play a role? What is the relationship between grace and law? Is obedience still required of Christians? What about adherence to ceremonial customs like circumcision?
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What is the seal of God? How does it contrast the Mark of the Beast? Is the mark of the beast a computer chip, tattoo, or credit card? How does the Sabbath play a role in the final test over the issue of worship? What will contrast and polarize believers and unbelievers in the end times? Does anyone have the mark of the beast yet?
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How will Satan deceive the world in the last days? How can we discern these deceptions? What did Jesus warn us about end time deceptions? How does the idea of the immortality of the soul, evolution, and the Pentecostal movement play a role in these events? Why will so many be fooled? What is deception and how can we safeguard against it? In what way does Satan counterfeit what originates with God?
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What does it mean to fear God and give Him glory? How can we live in such a way that we glorify God? How should the hour of judgment impact our Christianity? Should we be afraid of God? In what way does the Sabbath play a role in end time events? Why does God have a judgment for the church?
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