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Who do people say that Jesus is? Who is Jesus to you? What did Jesus teach about Himself? Why was He called "Son of Man" and "Son of God". Was Jesus really God? What things did Jesus say that hinted at this idea. Why did Jesus choose to take on humanity? Are the Father and the Son different in character? What did Jesus teach about the Father? We tackle this subject matter this week and explore what Jesus had to say on the subject.

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What is the relationship between the Law and the Gospel? Does one invalidate the other? What was the good news that Christ brought to humanity? Were we saved in sin or from sin? Does God still require obedience from His people today? What does it mean to be in covenant relationship with God? What good news is in Christ's message for humanity today? Is there a role the law still plays? What did Paul mean when he said that sin takes advantage of the law? We explore these questions in this week's study.

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How did Jesus go about making a difference in the lives of ordinary people? What does scripture tell us about how Jesus, Himself, grew up? What message might this hold for Christians today? How can we disciple everyday, ordinary people? We explore these questions in this week's broadcast. Jesus taught that every human being has value in the eyes of God. Do we recognize that as we come in contact with people whom Jesus died for?

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What is the difference between revival and reformation? Which comes first? Is reformation really necessary at all? Does Jesus do all the work or is there an element of human participation in the process of reform? Does God really want to see change in our actions? How do we cooperate with God? This study will explore the theme of reformation and examine Jesus' disciples before and after reform. What if these men were allowed to stay the same and never went through reform? What kind of leaders would they be? How does reform or lack of reform influence the advancement of God's Kingdom?

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How did Jesus overcome temptation? Why is He the second Adam? What was the purpose of Jesus coming to earth? What is the significance of "Emmanuel" or "God with us". Is it possible to overcome temptation as Jesus did? How can the Bible aid us in the times of our temptations? What parallels exist between the wilderness temptation and events like the Fall and the Exodus from Egypt? How does Jesus' humanity help Him to relate to struggling sinners as our High Priest? This week, as we address many of these issues, we will explore how to be victorious over sins.




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How does Matthew introduce the gospel? Who exactly was Matthew and why was his perspective on Jesus' ministry unique? Why does he use a genealogy to introduce Jesus as the Messiah and what does this ancestral record say about who Jesus is? What can we learn in the Bible about who Jesus is as a person, what God is like, and His mission here on earth? Was Jesus really divine? What did Jesus reveal to the world about God? What can we learn about God through the people Jesus was related to? What hope might be in all this for us today?

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Dr. Andy Nash joins us this week as we study the beginning of the ministry of Jesus. Why was Jesus led into the wilderness? How did Jesus fulfill prophecy as He went to different places during His ministry? What did Jesus' life reveal about the character of God in contrast to the character of Satan? What message did both Jesus and John the baptist preach, and how would that compare with the message that the world needs to hear today? How can we gain comfort and encouragement looking at the early days of Jesus' ministry according to the gospel of Matthew?

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How influential was Jesus' sermon on the mount? What did these powerful words mean? What was the purpose behind the sermon and what did it mean for believers? What was so radical and different about the words of Jesus? Do they still apply to us today? How did Jesus establish the relationship between law and grace? Did Jesus use this sermon to replace the law? Did His sermon replace a system of legalism? Or was salvation always by grace? What did Jesus mean by exceeding the righteousness of the Pharisees and Scribes? This week we explore Jesus' sermon on the mount.



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John Spellman preaches on the 7th church of Revelation. What is Jesus' message to the church of our time? How does Jesus introduce Himself to the church of our time in a unique manner that addresses the unique problems and challenges of today? Jesus: the amen, the faithful and true witness, the beginning of the creation of God calls the church to recognize its true condition. As a forest of trees would be unstable and unsafe if each of those trees was not rooted in the soil, so today God's people must be rooted in Jesus and anchored in truth.




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Have you ever had a problem that you wanted to hide from everyone around you? Are there things in your life you wish no one knew about? Why is the world the way it is? Why do we see so much corruption, greed, disease, sickness, and problems as we observe the world around us? Is God still involved in the affairs of humanity? Where was God when everything started going wrong? Can we trust that God is still present today even in the midst of political and moral turmoil? Man hides from God, but God is ever-present and seeking out humanity. Where are you?




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