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How were the writings of the book of Deuteronomy used by other, later, old testament writers? In what way did other writings repeat and expand on the same themes? How did the book of Deuteronomy inform Josiah's reform, Daniel's prayer for release from captivity, or calls to repentance from the prophets? What does this book show us about forgiveness and mercy?
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Why does the Bible emphasize remembering and not forgetting our experiences with God? Why did God tell the Israelites to remember how he delivered them? What does God want us to remember today? What dangers lie in self reliance and forgetting how God has led in the past?
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How has the theme of free choice been a factor throughout the books of the Bible? Why did God create free moral agents? In what way is the test of Adam an Eve similar to the challenges we face today? What does God require of us in the Covenant obligations? How does choice play a role in the covenant relationship?
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What is the relationship between law and grace for Old Covenant Jews and New Covenant Christians? Is there a difference? What is the purpose of law? Does salvation by grace excuse disobedience? Why does God want to free us from lawlessness?
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Why did God make Israel a great nation? How was their law and lifestyle to be a blessing and witness to other nations? How does God's Word become a blessing in the Christian's life? Why did Moses warn not to take away or add to God's Word? What lessons can we take from the Baal Peor incident about cleaving to God?
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Is there a connection between religion and treatment of others? Does God care about the poor and marginalized? How did God's commandments make Israel a different kind of society and what lessons can we as Christians learn from that today?
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What are the benefits of the New Covenant life? Can Christians really have joy? What does the New Covenant do about guilt? What does it mean to have a new heart? Can life only be enjoyed in eternity future? What kind of life can we have now and what purpose does it have?
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Whether old or new covenant, Jesus paid the debt owed to the law so that guilty sinners can stand righteous in the sight of God? But what is imputed righteousness? How did Jesus pay the ransom? If salvation is by grace through faith, can a person continue sinning if they are under grace?
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How was the old covenant sacrificial system replaced by the new? In what ways did it typify the ministry of Jesus? Was salvation ever really different in the Old Covenant compared to the new? What is Jesus' role as High Priest? Was the earthly sanctuary really a model of something existent in Heaven?
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What is the purpose of the Sabbath as the Covenant sign? What does the Sabbath point us to? Why did God give the children of Israel the Sabbath? What are the origins of the Sabbath and why was it a sign of sanctification?
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