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What impact do our prayers have on God's actions and intervention in the lives of people we pray for? What can we learn from how Jesus prayed for people? What about how Paul prayed? What does the Bible say about unseen forces and the impact of prayer in the midst of spiritual war? Is intercessory prayer still needed and effective today in reaching modern people?
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Jesus often saw opportunities where others saw a closed and impossible door. How can we be more mission minded and have church growth eyes and ears today? Can we be guided by the Spirit to opportunities for soul winning? How do we bring people to Christ? What about dealing with difficult people? How do we know when there's an open opportunity?
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How can we live by the Word of God? How can we spend time with God and why is spending that time so important? What emphasis did Jesus place on knowing and understanding scripture while He was here on earth? How can we make God our teacher when we study the Bible? How can music help us commit to memory what God says in His Word?
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What do we do when we come across difficult passages in the Bible? Should difficulty make you give up your faith? Should we assume there aren't answers simply because we don't know them or they weren't revealed to us immediately? How can searching for answers be a blessing? What kind of attitude or mindset should we have when we come across difficult passages? What is the best resource to use?
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What is the relationship between science and the Bible? Did the Bible ever teach a flat earth? Did the Creation story borrow from ancient myths? Can we be certain about Biblical history or when that history took place? How did the New Testament authors and Jesus, Himself, view the Creation account?
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Why do we need to interpret scripture? Is there a right or wrong way? Can scripture be understood correctly? What is hermeneutics? What biases might we have in culture, language, presuppositions, or our personal lives that make it difficult to understand the Bible in its proper context? How does our sinful and fallen nature play a role? Who was the first revisionist?
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Elder John Spellman speaks on the subject of running in the right direction. Do we sometimes do the opposite of what God calls us to do? What about when it comes to worship? God has given the church a special mission in preparation for the second coming of Jesus Christ.
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Are there times when faithfulness to God and your responsibilities in secular matters can lead to jealousy? Are there people who conspire against you when you do the right thing? Daniel finds himself in the lions den as King Darius makes an ill-advised law that requires Daniel to choose between God and the king. Daniel would have to choose between his conscience or his faith. Are we sometimes put in these situations today? How can we respond? How does God respond?
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What does it mean to stand for your faith? How could someone forget God after an encounter with God? How does faith grow? How does the experience of the 3 Hebrews connect with the experience of God's people in the end times and religious liberty? Should worship be forced?
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What does the Bible reveal about the course of human history? Is God in control of the destiny of humanity? Where is human history headed? What does prophecy reveal for the end times? How did God make Himself known to king Nebuchadnezzar through the prophet Daniel? What does that mean for us today?
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