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How are we led away from God and tempted to do evil? Who is to blame? Can the devil make us sin? What does it take to endure temptation? How can we overcome temptation? What method did Jesus use to combat temptation? What does this mean for us today? We will examine the first temptation in the Garden of Eden and how Jesus overcame temptation as we explore the implications for Christians today.

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What does James mean by perfection? How is our faith perfected? What is God's means of helping us to grow in faith? Does God expect the impossible? Is it really possible to pray without wavering? Why does God want our faith to grow. This week we explore these topics and how they impact our faith experience.

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How do we grow in Christ? What does it mean to abide in Him? What is the new birth experience all about? How does one know they've truly been born again? What transformation does a person go through? We explore the topic of the new life in Christ this week. Learn how the Holy Spirit transforms people's lives.

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How will God complete the mission to seek and save the lost through the preaching of the gospel? What does it mean to have the Holy Spirit? What does the Biblical symbolism of water and rain have to do with the work and outpouring of the Holy Spirit? How can a person know when they have the Holy Spirit? This study answers these questions as we explore the way in which the Holy Spirit worked at Pentecost and what the Bible says about how He will work in the last days. We will also discuss what is needed in order to be prepared to recieve the Holy Spirit!

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In this week's study we discuss how reformation brings about a change in thinking. God changes our mindsets and turns evil thoughts to pure thoughts. Are you a person who struggles with evil thoughts? How can your mind be renewed? Is there anyway to safeguard our minds? How does one learn to think pure thoughts? Also, the relationship between the body, the mind, and spirituality is discussed. How does treatment of the body impact our relationship with God? How does treatment of the mind impact this relationship?

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What is reformation? What is the difference between reformation and revival? What can we learn from examples of reformation in the Bible? Is it possible to do all the right actions and works, but still need reformation? This study explores God's compassion and forgiveness regardless of our short comings and mistakes. It also explores the essence of the true gospel and the need of reformation in human hearts in contrast to false gospels with prosperity messages often preached today. Jesus reminds us through the Ephesus church message to remember our first love.

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What can we learn from the time period of the judges? Why did God raise up these men, women, and children? Why was victory over the army of Sisera given to a woman, Jael, rather than Barak? What can we learn from the story of Gideon about faith? How does the story of Samson show God's willingness to work through people even when they make mistakes? We will also cover the story of Ruth and Samuel. God works through human agencies when they are fully dependent on Him. Yet, even when they go down wrong paths, He turns problematic situations into opportunities.

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How did Jesus overcome temptation? Why is He the second Adam? What was the purpose of Jesus coming to earth? What is the significance of "Emmanuel" or "God with us". Is it possible to overcome temptation as Jesus did? How can the Bible aid us in the times of our temptations? What parallels exist between the wilderness temptation and events like the Fall and the Exodus from Egypt? How does Jesus' humanity help Him to relate to struggling sinners as our High Priest? This week, as we address many of these issues, we will explore how to be victorious over sins.




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How did Paul summarize the gospel? What was his take on the reality of rebellion and the Great Controversy? How did Paul suggest that we fight in this spiritual war? What did he mean when he compared the church to members of a body, materials of a building, or crops to be grown? How did Paul answer challenges that suggested that there was no resurrection of the dead? This week we take a look at Paul's teachings and how he illuminated many of these themes. Paul spoke of Jesus as the 2nd Adam and showed how the consequences of Adam's mistake was reversed through Christ's ministry.

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Dr. Tasker joins live as we discuss the seven Churches of Revelation. What do the messages to the 7 churches reveal to Christians today? What problems are depicted in these churches and what help does Jesus offer to address these problems? How is Jesus introduced to each church? What approach does He use to commend and rebuke them? In what ways are we like each of the churches or in danger of making similar choices? This week we look a the Great Controversy through the seven churches as Satan attacks the church from within.




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