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Why does the Bible emphasize remembering and not forgetting our experiences with God? Why did God tell the Israelites to remember how he delivered them? What does God want us to remember today? What dangers lie in self reliance and forgetting how God has led in the past?
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Who are we suffering to teach? Who informs the way we think? The way we live? The way we relate to each other? Or how we meet the challenges of life? If not God, then who? Based on Revelation 2:18-24.
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How has the theme of free choice been a factor throughout the books of the Bible? Why did God create free moral agents? In what way is the test of Adam an Eve similar to the challenges we face today? What does God require of us in the Covenant obligations? How does choice play a role in the covenant relationship?
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Why did God make Israel a great nation? How was their law and lifestyle to be a blessing and witness to other nations? How does God's Word become a blessing in the Christian's life? Why did Moses warn not to take away or add to God's Word? What lessons can we take from the Baal Peor incident about cleaving to God?
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What is the ultimate rest? How can we rest in Christ in times of difficulty, uncertainty, and hardship? How does prophecy help us rest in Christ? Why do the dead rest in peace?
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Jesus as the Prince of Peace warned that there would sometimes be division. How can we find rest when we constantly deal with selfishness, ambition, and hypocrisy? In what way does Christ uproot restlessness in our lives and in our world? How can we enjoy rest in him? Can rest be found in the new age religions or mysticism? How does Christ make the difference?
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How did restlessness lead to rebellion in the wilderness? How did Moses react? How did God respond? How can we deal with restlessness in our Christian experience today? What is the difference between faith and presumption? Why do so many people get it wrong?
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Whether old or new covenant, Jesus paid the debt owed to the law so that guilty sinners can stand righteous in the sight of God? But what is imputed righteousness? How did Jesus pay the ransom? If salvation is by grace through faith, can a person continue sinning if they are under grace?
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Isaiah speaks about two kinds of servants. How can we identify them both? How can the prophecy of Cyrus show us how God gives us hope for the future even amid difficult and trying circumstances? What do the prophecies about the Messiah show us about Jesus' mission on earth?
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How did king Hezekiah differ in his approach to threats to the kingdom from king Ahaz? How did God respond to Hezekiah's faithfulness? Does faith in God mean you don't have to be practical? Why did Sennacherib believe that God could not help the people of Judah? What message is there in this for God's people today?
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