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We were VERY short staffed tonight, but John Spellman covers the ministry of the prophet Micah. This study examines the hard lot of a prophet. Although many looking back regard prophets as heros and place them on "pedestal", they were ordinary human beings who went through great trials and perils. Micah, like many prophets, was grieved and sorrowful about the message he had to preach. Were God's messengers meant to be detatched from people? Did they share in the distress and sorrow that would come upon the wicked as a result of sin?

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What exactly happened in creation that led to the events of "the Fall"? How was Satan able to tempt two perfect people in a perfect world, and get them to rebel against the perfect God? What happened as a result of the Fall? Can these effects still be seen in our world today? What is God's plan to restore what was lost in creation? These questions are tackled in this week's study.

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This week we begin focus on the minor prophets. John Spellman and Joseph Williams discuss Spiritual Adultery based on the story of the prophet Hosea. How can Christians today avoid spiritual adultery? What does it mean to be faithful to God? How can we know God? Why would God command a holy prophet to marry a prostitute?

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God is a God of love and at the same time a God of justice. What is the connection between God's love and justice as revealed in the story of Hosea? What can we learn through Hosea's metaphors about God's compassion on His people. Find out in this week's lesson.

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John Spellman covers the message of Amos. Do religious rituals and practices really give us unrestricted access to God? Is there something more important than the rituals we do at Church? Are their times when God won't accept rituals He, Himself, put in place? What does it mean to "Seek the Lord, and Live"? Why does our society confuse good and evil when God seems to have a particular view of good and evil? These questions are explored in this study.

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God is a God of holiness and justice. This week we explore the holiness and justice aspects of God's character through the prophet Joel. God promises to send the Holy Spirit to His people in the last days. Can this prophecy have multiple fulfillments? Follow us this week as we examine the prophet Joel.


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Many think of the story of Jonah as a bedtime story for children. This week's lesson expounds on and covers the story of Jonah in a way that many have never heard. What evidence is there for the historocity of this book? Can a person really be eaten by a big fish and survive for 3 days? What was Jonah supposed to learn from the belly of the fish? What was the gourd and the worm all about, and what was God teaching His prophet? Why did God spare Nineveh, and what lessons can we learn from all this today?



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Jeremiah's words had come to pass. The Babylonians had invaded and taken captives of the people of Judah. A remnant remained and new challenges arose for the nation. The people asked Jeremiah to inquire of the Lord for them. What words of warning did the prophet have for the people? How did they respond? What lessons can we learn from them today? Why was it wrong to seek safety in Egypt? In what ways do we tend to go back to Egypt today? What do these stories teach us about how we should relate to God's Word?

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This week we start a new series on rebellion and redemption. Why is the world as messed up as it is today?  Are the corruption, disease, pollution, and problems we observe part of God's design? What went wrong in the Garden of Eden? Is God to blame for Adam and Eve's mistake? Why did the tree of the knowledge of good and evil exist? Was mankind set up to fail? Why was humanity given power to choose? How does all this tie in with the Great Controversy and with our lives today?




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As we study rebellion and redemption, what impact did sin have on humanity? How did sin impact the children of Adam and Eve as well as the generations to come? What does all this have to do with the Great Controversy? Did God step in to deal with this crisis or did He leave humanity on its own to fend for themselves? What does God's relationship with Abraham teach us about how sure can we be about God's promises? How do the lives of Jacob, Esau, and Joseph show us the growing process God takes us through to accomplish His plans for us?

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