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How should we interpret the words of the Bible? Why is it important to consider the sentences, passage, book, and even the author? How does translation play a role in our understanding of certain words and phrases? How can we understand certain passages and what is emphasized when the original language has no punctuation?
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How did scripture form the basis for everything that Jesus did and taught? What emphasis did He place on scripture for justification of His ministry, actions, and fulfillment of prophecy? How did the apostles view scripture? What should this teach us about the Bible today? How did Jesus use the Word of God to combat the devil? Is there a difference between faith and presumption?
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How can we understand the Battle between the kings of the North and South? What is common between Daniel 2, 7, 8, 9, and 11 and what similarities do we find in Revelation? What does God say about end time events? How does Daniel 11 expand our knowledge of prophetic events?
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What was the writing on the wall? Why did God number the days of the Babylonian kingdom? Had Daniel been forgotten during the reign of Belshazzar? What happened as a result of the kings open defiance against God? What can we learn about this in relation to the end time Babylon?
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How does God's interaction with king Nebuchadnezzar show that He is intimately involved in the affairs of humanity and politics? Does God humble world leaders today? With 3 attempts, not entirely successful, in reaching Nebuchadnezzar's heart, God again reaches out to the proud king and temporarily dethrones him and sends him to live among beasts of the field. How does God work with stubborn hearts today?
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What does the Bible reveal about the course of human history? Is God in control of the destiny of humanity? Where is human history headed? What does prophecy reveal for the end times? How did God make Himself known to king Nebuchadnezzar through the prophet Daniel? What does that mean for us today?
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How do you keep your faith when you’re surrounded by ideas, philosophy, another religion, and people that are antagonistic to what you believe? The three Hebrews and Daniel’s obedience, even in small things, led to gaining favor and influence while he was a captive in Babylon. God is sovereign over history and cares about His people.
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What can we learn from the story of David and his temptation about how we can avoid temptation today? How does this powerful story about God's forgiveness give sinners hope today? Are some in the church carrying burdens that need to be released and given to God?
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How do marriages impact spirituality? What's so wrong with unequally yoked marriages? If someone sins through being unequally yoked, what are the consequences for the individual? What about the nation? Christians today? Was Nehemiah too harsh in his approach? Why did Paul address this differently? Why does God want spiritual compatibility? Was this about nationality or faith?
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How does God lead us to repentance and spiritual revival? When the feasts were over, How did the Israelites in Nehemiah's time go about the work of confession and repentance? What subjects were addressed in their prayer? What role does the Bible play in revival?
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