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By: Juliet Constantine

Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me. Do not cast me away from Your presence, and do not take Your Holy Spirit from me. Psalm 51:10-11

I often felt the need for an internal cleansing and while drinking water is important (well I try) I do enjoy the occasional intestinal cleanse from Dr. Fowler, my herbal consultant. I usually feel so thoroughly clean on the inside and my stomach flattens in the process that I am afraid to eat for fear of messing up my inside again. You can be sure that a good colon cleanse will leave your insides feeling spectacular clean, but not your heart!!

David felt the salient need for cleansing after his double sin (adultery and murder). For a man known as the friend of God, his heart was really messed up and the result was continued wickedness. David cried out to God for cleansing of his heart - only God can clean your heart. He needed to not only feel clean, but to be assured that his heart is changed, renewed only by God. But he also needed more.

"Renew a right spirit within me and do not take Your Holy Spirit from me" David cried. He needed a change of attitude so that he would not make the same mistake again. But more than a clean heart at a change of attitude, David needed the assurance from God that he would not loose his deposit on eternity! "Do not take Your Holy Spirit from me", he begged. David knew the importance of having The Holy Spirit in his life. He knew that he would be okay as long as God's Spirit remain with him. Didn't he know of the experience of Saul after God's Spirit left him? He sure didn't want that faith to be his.

We too need The Holy Spirit in our lives. He is our Deposit on Eternity! Without God's Spirit in our lives, we are none of His. The Holy Spirit keeps us burning brighter every day, He keeps us going, He strengthens us and guide us in the way we should God. He is truly a life companion. I find that I am more decisive when I follow the instructions of The Holy Spirit (Isa. 30:21). It's such a comforting feeling to know and follow the voice of God. This is only possible with the Holy Spirit's help.

Thank you God for sending us The Comforter, our helper onto You. Please God, create in a a clean heart, and give us the right attitude and in all You do, please do not take Your Holy Spirit from us. In Jesus' name, amen.


Copyrighted by Juliet Constantine 2014 (for “Alone With God – Finding Jesus In The Scriptures” Daily Devotional)