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People are more enlightened today and the Bible is freely distributed in many countries unopposed. Today, for many, sharing of the Gospel of Christ is much easier; and daily, many converts are won for Jesus Christ. But a few things have changed: the Word of God is not read as it should be, nor its principles held dear and practiced among all its believers. Many seem to be ashamed of the gospel of Jesus Christ and by their actions, are refusing to be counted. Many compromised its teachings and, instead of being true Protestants, have joined forces.

Trusting The Bible
There is such an abundance of information in the world today. The internet alone is an endless resource for any topic you wish to research. But with such access to sharing and gathering knowledge, the problem of trustworthy sources arises. What makes the internet so great, is also what makes it so overwhelming. You'll read, for example, in one place that heirloom tomato plants need plenty of sunlight to grow and develop tasty tomatoes, but in the next article you read, you'll discover that someone else believes they do much better tucked into the shade, to absorb the heat of the day, but avoid direct exposure to the sun. Both writers claim to be avid gardeners with excellent results from their methods, but how do you know which one to trust?
We can conclude that as we dig, and continue to dig a little deeper in the storehouse of God’s words, heavenly treasures will be unfolded that we will hold dearly. In faith we will respond to our God of love in total obedience as we allow His words to cleanse and sanctify us. We will then walk and talk the way Christians should.

A great number of young and older persons do not believe in strict obedience to God’s words. They believed that time has changed and they must live a little. Like Eve, many seem to view God’s “thou shalt not” as a mystery to be explored and experienced. After all, God does forgive, doesn’t He? But what so many, like the Jews of old, fail to realize is that though God’s instructions were given long ago, they are all still relevant – even in the 21st century and beyond. 

There are some things God wants you to know about unseen and hidden dangers that have a great impact on your life and your eternal security. This week's lesson tackles those things God wants to warn you about.


Can the Bible really be trusted? Or has it been outdated in our post-modern world? How do we know the Bible is still relevant for believers today? What is it about the Bible that makes it so special? Is it truly the Word of God? How do we know!?


Can God's Word still be trusted today? How do we know the Bible is reliable? Are the words on its pages still relevant to our post-modern world? Can we really claim God's promises?


God warns us about end time deception. Yet scripture tells us not to despise prophecy. If God's end time church will have the gift of prophecy, how can we know whether or not a person is a true prophet or just another false prophet? What does the gift of prophecy mean? Does the Bible give us a test to use to validate or invalidate a prophet? What are the criteria for this test? Is miracle working enough to prove a person is a prophet?


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