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Part 2 of our series on God's presence when suffering illness. If both Christians and non-believers alike get sick, is there truly a benefit to following God? What are some of the factors that contribute to sickness and disease? Can God still work miracles when we get sick? Can I live how I want and by faith rebuke my sickness? Does disease mean that God isn't present in my life or that he has abandoned me?
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Does God care about self-imposed illnesses? Are there ailments and illnesses which are brought upon us by pressures in our society to conform to certain ideals or standards? Can we get sick when we don't have a right view of ourselves or when we don't see ourselves the way God sees us? Who was the first person to struggle with self image? Does Satan still work to deceive people with unrealistic self-expectations today? Does God have a plan for people with low self-esteem, poor self image, or people who struggle with body image or eating disorders?

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Does God care about human dignity and self esteem? What is the connection between self-worth and physical illness? How does the sin problem contribute to the triggers that cause illnesses like eating disorders and mental health challenges? Did God create human beings to have low self esteem and doubts? When family challenges, life disappointments, job requirements, and high expectations make us feel low, how can a knowledge of God put things in proper perspective and aid us in maintaining our health and physical well being?

Two Laws (Response to David Lynn)
Are there two laws? Does the Bible make a distinction between the Law of God and the Law of Moses? What does the Biblical evidence have to say? John Spellman expounds on the two laws with thorough details and Biblical evidence.
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