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Pastor Michael Mirra interviews Boro Bacev: an ex-homosexual sharing his testimony on surrendering to God and walking with Jesus as a member of the Seventh Day Adventist Church. After his conviction through a sermon by Doug Batchelor, Boro no longer identifies as a homosexual. Instead, he shares thoughts on his victory over sin, the modern day compromises in the church, and how to share faith with the LGBT community without compromising Bible principle.
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One of the reasons why we feel alone is because like Naomi in the story of Ruth, we push people out of our lives. In the same way we often push God out of our lives at times when we most need Him. God sends people into our lives to give us comfort, encouragement, wisdom, and strength. He created man a social being. Sometimes we're alone because we push others away trying not to get hurt.
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What was the importance of the Jerusalem council? What contributing factors lead to the final sentence by James? How did the conversion of Cornelius and the ministry of Paul play a role? What is the relationship between grace and law? Is obedience still required of Christians? What about adherence to ceremonial customs like circumcision?
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How did the early church begin to overcome its cultural biases against Gentiles? What does this say about the church overcoming ethnic biases today? What did Peter’s vision on Acts 10 really mean? Did it have anything to do with food? How did the church that was started in Antioch contribute to the breaking down of cultural barriers?
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Is there a need for revival in the church today? Is the church in a fixed or growth mindset? How does the message of Jesus to the Laodecian's describe our condition? Do we worship God with lip service while our hearts are far from Him?
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How did Saul of Tarsus become the Apostle Paul? What message is there in Paul’s story for believers today? What kinds of opposition did Paul face? Why is Paul considered an apostle of Jesus? Did he see Jesus after the resurrection?
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Who were the leaders of the early church? How was responsibility divided? What does this demonstrate about the work that needs to be done in the church today? What do we learn about Stephen and his ministry? How did he answer the charges against him when brought on trial by the Sanhedrin? How did the gospel spread after persecution began?
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What was life like in the early church? How did the church grow and thrive? What challenges did they face and how can they inform how we do church today? Why were the apostles arrested? What does that teach us about persecution in the last days?
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What can we know about the second coming of Jesus? Will this event be literal? In what way will Jesus come? What will happen on earth as a result of His coming? How can we understand the blessed hope? What will happen to the righteous and the wicked at Jesus’ appearing? How can we discern His arrival from Satan’s last day deceptions?
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What is the meaning of Armageddon? How can we understand the role of the dragon, the beast, and the false prophet in the end times? What is the significance of the three frog like unclean spirits? How can Babylon be a fallen system if it is so powerful and influential in the end times? What warning does Jesus give us in the midst of the Armageddon passage? How can we be ready for this final show down? What connection is there in all this to Elijah’s show down on Mt. Carmel?
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