Topic: Prophecy
To see more broadcasts select show names, a year, or all video media.Peter warns of false teachers that would invade the early church. Does the church still struggle with false teachers today? What were they teaching in Peter’s time? What hints do we have about these individuals in the writings of Peter, Paul, and Jude? What does freedom in Christ really mean? Are we free to live in sin? What effect do false teachers have on the church?
Does God care about our future? How has God been active in humanity's past? Are human beings meant to know the future? Why would God reveal such a thing? Does anything take God by surprise? With all the turmoil in our world today, is there any hope for the future? What is God revealing to us now? How has God revealed Himself in human history? Pastor Mirra focuses on Daniel 2 and 7 showing God's presence in our history.