By: Juliet Constantine
Let your speech always be with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may know how you ought to answer each one. (Colossians 4:6)
I am a fan of the Food Network Channel. One of my favorite personalities, Chef Ramsay, on Kitchen Nightmares has always advised his trainees to season with salt and pepper. He sternly believed that without salt and pepper, the food will be tasteless, irrespective of other seasonings used. I am a believer, so together with my herbal seasonings I make sure to add a little salt and pepper.
Paul instructed the Colossians on the manner of their speech. Your speech is not just what you say - but the way it is said and the motivation and intention behind what was said. This he counseled to let it be with grace, seasoned with salt.
But how can your speech be with grace, seasoned with salt? We should be kind in our words and show respect to all, in the way we relate in our speaking. It doesn’t matter if they deserve it or not, it is the right thing to do. Too many times, as God’s children, we ‘bite’ and ‘devour’ each other with our harsh and unkind words. Even when we are saying the right things, it sometimes comes out so rough and coarse. Let’s speak to each other the way we would want to be spoken to.
We must break the cycle of verbally abusing each other in our speech. It’s all around us. It is a common practice among all – even those we thought should do better have been caught in this web of deceit. Let us slow down a bit to choose our words well, and to listen to the words of others and be deliberate in our utterances. If we all continue to bite and devour each other, the cycle will not end.
In a time when people are perplexed with so many challenges, our kind and tasteful words can make a difference. Let’s encourage and lift others up, deserving or not, so that their load can be a bit lighter. Most importantly, we will feel better and others will see our good works and come to glorify God.
Just as how we love tasty food, it’s the same way people love to hear kind words. So, let us sweeten our speech today, with God’s help.
Dear Heavenly Father, thank you for speaking kindly to us, even though we did not deserve it. Thank you for your grace and mercy. Please help us to extend this kindness to others, in Jesus’ name we pray, amen.
Copyrighted by Juliet Constantine 2014 (for “Alone With God – Finding Jesus In The Scriptures” Daily Devotional)