By: Juliet Constantine
Great peace have those who love Your law, And nothing causes them to stumble. (Psalm 119:165)
I am rejoicing today! Praise God for all His manifold blessings toward the children of men! Praise His name.
I was an eager candidate! I wanted desperately to learn to drive! No, it wasn’t the walking or the bus system. Both were good. I just wanted to learn to drive so that I could be independent and free. In the process of learning, a friend once said to me, “Let the Road Code be your bible and drive to it.” My practical knowledge wasn’t to come from what I had seen others do, but from what The Code outlined. I took the instruction seriously, and even though I have slipped up a few times (speeding), The Code is my point of reference. This has made me a happy driver.
Reflecting on today’s verse, I couldn’t help thinking about the peace I’ve found in obeying civil laws. It is really a happy feeling to be free; and good to be a law-abiding citizen. There is no hiding, or being afraid of being caught. You are free to pursue life and be happy while doing so. There is no looking over your shoulders.
God’s law offers even more – a peace that others cannot understand. Obedience to His law will save your life, will give you the joy of living, a hope in tomorrow, a contented assurance that God will … Obeying God’s law is not a yoke, but a love response from a grateful heart. The Psalmist asks, “What can I render unto the Lord for all his benefits toward me?” He declared that he would take the cup of salvation, call upon the Lord and pay his vows to the Lord.
Jesus wanted us to have His peace. He said, “Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth, give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.” (John 14:27) He also told us not be anxious about anything; instead; we should pray about everything. When we become anxious, we do not enjoy the peace He gives. On the contrary, when we obey, we have great peace.
Since we find it a joy (for others-we do out of compulsion) to obey most civil laws because of the freedom they affords, shouldn’t we be more than happy to obey God’s laws that offers us peace in all situations? His promise to us is that nothing will offend us; nothing will cause us to stumble when we do. God’s laws are his faithful instructions to us found in His word. They will provide guidance in the way we should ‘drive on the road of life’ so that we will not get derailed and loose our way. Just as we are happy to follow the Road Code, we will be happiest when we love His law.
Our Father and our God, thank you for your peace, a settled assurance that You’ve got it all in control, You’ve got our backs. Please help us to love your law by obeying Your instructions. Grant us your blessings today, we ask, in Jesus’ name. Amen.
Copyrighted by Juliet Constantine 2014 (for “Alone With God – Finding Jesus In The Scriptures” Daily Devotional)